Let's Go Further

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-Martin's POV-

After two days of resting, we had regained our power, and we were ready to go further into Herobrine's territory. If things would go with the plan, we should arrive there in 2 days. Then we would fight Herobrine. It would be tough.

We slayed all of the enemies on our way, with them not having a chance to even hurt us. Herobrine's defenses were definitely not designed for a hybrid invasion. Well, that was a big advantage for us. We almost didn't face any obstacles, until we reached 10km away from Herobrine's castle.

There was a lot more guards and soldiers around, which showed that this was definitely the Castle. We parked the caravan, and walked towards the guarding crowd. The leader soldier asked, "Who are you?"
I looked at Jason, he smiled and said, "Your demise." (THM: Something similar happened before?) Then, he blew the soldier's head off with one wither blaster shot.

Then everything broke loose.

-Baki's POV-

All other soldiers came swarming in. There were way more soldiers than the last time we were surrounded. There were about 1000 of them last time, but this time, there were like 20000 of them, and the situation was worse. We need to get some really good combos to take them all out. Or, we all use our skills and defeat them by force.

I quickly froze the nearby enemies solid, and yelled, "It's our chance!"

-Jason's POV-

I heard Baki's shout, and knew what he meant. I flew up into the air, and bombarded the enemies behind the ice wall. The wither effect increased the damage by a lot. The enemy army disintegrated gradually.

I flew back down with the team, and they needed help as the ice wall tumbled to the ground. Hans launched a wave of fire towards the enemy and cleared out more space, which were quickly occupied by more and more enemy soldiers. We couldn't hold much longer. They were coming in faster than we were killing them.

I kept shooting wither skulls, and I saw that Ty was shot by an arrow. It hit her left arm. She fell over, and the army swarmed in through the gap.

I thought we were dead.

-Hans's POV-

Ty fell over, and the enemies attacked at that moment. I shot a fire blast towards the gap, and knocked the enemies back. We quickly rearranged our defense, and continued the brawl.

The enemy was too large in quantity. We couldn't sustain that long. Something had to be done. I said, "Everyone save your strength. We have to end this once and for all." They nodded.

I was defending with less fire, and charging for a strong blow. I asked, "Are you all ready?" "Yes!" They responded. I shouted, "Attack in 3, 2, 1, GO!" We attacked with all of our strength. I shot the strongest fire I had ever shot, Adam ran in, swinging his swords, Ty flew up and stabbed many guards with her claw, Martin cut them in half with her gigantic blade, Jason shot charged wither skulls, Baki fired ice bolts, Dome and Luka rapidly fired their guns and bows. The battlefield was in absolute chaos, filled with blood, dismembered mobs, weapons, and fire everywhere.

After a while, we halted our attack. Luka said, exhausted and panting, "Are they all dead?" Jason replied, "I do think so. Let the smoke go away first."

The smoke disappeared, revealing the blood-filled warfield with dead enemies across the land. None were alive.
"We finally did it," said Martin, "we can now enter Herobrine's castle."

"No we haven't done it," I said to myself, "the real battle has yet to begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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