Gonna Rek Them All! (Not Really)

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-Adam's POV-
We drove (technically I am the driver) for 3 days, on our way to Herobrine's base. We decided to stop for lunch, just as a skeleton soldier of Herobrine came. He knocked on the door, and Jason answered the door.

The soldier said, "This place is off-limits to all humans. Get out, or we will take military action."
Then, Jason responded, "We are never getting out. Take military action. Be quick or else..." He shot a wither skull at the soldier's face and killed him. "Well, there's no point in finishing the sentence." I said.

We finished lunch, and we continued to drive on. According to the map, we should reach the border pretty soon. There should be barbed iron fences across to mark the boundary of Herobrine's empire.

Not to our surprise, we reached the fence in 1 hour. Hans blew a gigantic hole through it, and it alerted the guards. There was a swarm of guards coming in from all directions. There were like about a hundred thousand or something. It's time to fight.

-Martin's POV-
I climbed up to Jason's back, we both transformed, and he carried me over the crowd. I jumped down into the middle of the enemy, and activated the killer circle. Then, enemies kept rushing to me. Well, killer circle was OP. Every enemy that came into a range of 4 feet were killed by an invisible blade.

That continued for 1 minute, and the enemies were about 5 meters away from me. What a bunch of sissies. But then, they came swarming in. I swung my blade, and cleared a path to escape. Enemies kept dying, and more were coming in. I finally got out, and they got air-striked by Jason. We finished off almost all of the enemies, then Hans fireballed the remainders. Teamwork for the win.

-Ty's POV-
It was late at night, and we were about to sleep. Adam and I were the guards. We were watching outside our caravan, and he spotted an enemy. He was about to prepare for fighting, but then we saw that it was a human.

I shouted, "Who are you?" "The Ice Man." "Why are you here?" "To kill you!" Then, he created a gust of ice and snow, and started to attack. Adam blocked the hit with his swords, and I also transformed into the dragon. I saw The Ice Man's face clearly, and I couldn't believe it. He was...

I ran into the caravan, and woke up Martin. She said, "Why the hell are you waking me up at 2 in the morning?" "Someone is here." "To kill?" "No, but to meet." She followed me outside, and she was surprised when she saw who was The Ice Man. It was Baki.

Martin shouted, "Baki! Where have you been?"

"Martin? Is that you?" said Baki.

"Yes it is my friend!" answered Martin.

"Oh my god! I am so glad to see you!" Baki said, "But why are you a girl?"

Martin answered, "That was a long story. But Baki, where have you gone in the past 4 months? I have been searching for you!"

Baki said, "I... uhh... I..." He paused, "I was fighting for Herobrine." Martin was shocked. "Why?" She asked, "Why are you fighting for Herobrine?"

"Because... people all hate us. Almost no one likes us." said Baki. "Also, I feel like you are being used by the government, and the people. They will eventually turn their backs on you."

"That won't happen." Martin said, "They will trust us."

Baki sighed, "I will fight alongside you guys, and fight for the humans. But always, bear in mind, we are hated by humans. Take my words seriously."

Martin nodded, and we let Baki enter the caravan.

-Martin's POV-
It was morning, and it was time to go. I am so glad to see Baki again. I thought he was killed or something. Adam started driving after we had breakfast. We were back on our way to Herobrine's Fortress.

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