Genderbend And War

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-Seto's POV-

I made a wrong potion. This is really bad. It was supposed to be a fusion potion of all buffs, but it turns out into... something really weird, and I think cool in some way.

-Adam's POV-

Someone ringed on the doorbell. I opened the door, and I saw a girl in Ty's clothes. She also looked like Ty. I am so fucking confused!

Then there is another girl, in Martin's clothes. She spoke with Bulgarian accent, just like Martin. I am now even more confused!

Then, Seto came out from behind and whispered to me, "Umm... Sky, I think I made a genderbend potion instead of the PvP buff potion... And those girls are actually Ty and Martin."

Ok, I get it. Seto threw a genderbend potion at Ty and Martin. That is so cool! Now we have 3 girls and 3 boys on our team.

(A/N #Skylox #Truedil40 #BeastDino FTW and Domenique's YouTube name is _Dome-Dino_ so you know what that means. And I will be adding Skylox, Truedil40, and smut)

-Jason's POV-

We discussed about which side we should help, the humans, or the monsters. Ty suggested, "We should help the monsters because we have their powers, and don't forget, they created us."

Hans said, "No, we should help the humans because we are all humans though we are hybrids!"

Then Adam said, "We should just stay neutral, and help to stop the war. That is the best way to solve the problem."

We decided to have a vote. Adam voted for Neutral, Ty and I voted for helping monsters, and the rest voted for helping humans. Martin said, "The humans are obviously outnumbered, as the mobs respawn extremely fast. We need to help humans." At last, we still decided to help the humans. Our mayor Brice Solace invited us to help on the war. We agreed and he introduced us in front of the television. I am on TV! I wish the people won't oppose us hybrids.

Well, I was wrong. Today, a lot of people go on to the streets, holding banners writing "No Hybrids In War" and stuff like that.

At last, the president said that the people can trust the hybrids. He also said that the people should give us a chance. Thank you Mr. President.

(A/N The next chapter will be the real war! Btw I need some OCs. Make your own and say it in the comments introducing him/her)

The Life of a Hybrid (a Skybrine, Enderlox, and other Hybrids fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now