The Other Hans?!

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-Adam's POV-
I watched Hans destroying the buildings one by one, but I can't do anything. He was unstoppable at this state. All we could do is to watch, and hope that he would stop before everything was broken. I waited and waited, as I saw the buildings crumble. Jason and Martin went insane, then Hans was crazy. This wasn't a coincidence, right? "Sh*t got real." Ty mumbled.

After 2 chaotic hours, the entire city was flattened, and Hans returned.

I yelled at him, "Do you realize what you have done?!"

"Yes. I know I destroyed the entire city." He answered, without any emotions.

"Do you know how many people you have killed?"

"Hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of those sluts."

"Do you even feel bad for them?" I asked, kinda shocked by his replies. What he said next was even more shocking. He replied, "No, I don't. They almost killed my friend. Even if there was someone with power, I won't hesitate to kill them. They just deserve to die."

This isn't like Hans. He would never say something like that. But that also didn't look like the Phoenix controlled him. What the heck happened?

-Domenique's POV-
I had heard from Hans's friends that he could be very ruthless when he was badly hurt, mentally or physically. I even heard that he once stabbed a bully with a paper cutter because the bully insulted Hans and his friends. When the teacher told him to apologize, he refused, and said, "He deserves this. He should be the one to apologize." I never knew that Hans could be that crazy.

I said to Adam, "Actually, Hans has another side of himself. He was that cheerful guy, but he can also be a psychopath." "Well, that was unexpected." Adam sighed, "What can we do?" I replied, "He had killed everyone that was in this town, so he should be ok now."

We all got back to the base, the one that Martin and Jason hadn't returned to in a while. It was all dusty in there, so we did some cleaning around the base. While we were trying hard, I talked to Hans.

I asked, "Are you alright?"

He answered, "Yes I am... I was just too angry, and... Nevermind! I'm good now! Though the Other Hans broke out again..." Then, he went back to cleaning.

So, what he meant by "The Other Hans" must be his another personality. I never knew that.

-Hans's POV-
The Other Hans had broke out since the incident 4 years ago. What happened in that incident was that I killed a group of gangsters and the entire neighborhood. That was the first time I killed. Now it was much worse.

Just when I was thinking about what was happening in the war between Herobrine and Humans, I received a call from General Jordan.

"Hello Hans! Sorry to bother you, but you must come and help." He said.

"It's ok. I am actually kinda bored." I replied.

Then, he said, "Ok, Hans, you will be helping on this battle. This will be an intense fight, so prepare yourself, and we will be meeting at this place. I'll send you the address. Also, Domenique should come too. Tell her that. And finally, I have assigned two more hybrids to help you. Good luck, and maybe even have fun. See you there."

"See ya." I said. I turned on the TV, and decided to watch some news. Hybrids also watch news you know? I watched the news report, and I saw people complaining about the millitary recruiting us, hybrids, to help on fighting. Someone said, "Hybrids are not supposed to be here. One hybrid killed my father 3 years ago. I will never forgive hybrids." Well, that hurt my heart. Haters gonna hate anyway. Then, I saw General Dan (DanTDM) saying, "Hybrids helped us a lot. If there weren't hybrids, we would have never won any battles against Herobrine."

I told our team about me going for a battle, and I told Domenique to pack her stuff. Ty nodded, and said, "Good luck, have fun." I nodded back and started to pack my stuff.

After 1 hour of packing, we were ready to go.

-???'s POV-
I was so excited to see my new friends. I wonder what kinds of hybrids they are?"

(A/N Guess who is coming up next...)

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