First Fight and Weapons

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-Jason's POV-

We heard that there is a swarm of zombies and creepers attacking the west coast. President Solace sent me and Martin to fight them, because we are better at fighting crowds of monsters.

We arrived at the warzone, and I saw a gigantic amount of zombies and creepers. They sent the army, and fought with the monsters. We received a message that the humans were overwhelmed, and the general sent me and Martin to the battlefield.

We saw literally millions and millions of mobs swarming in. I activated my powers, and so do Martin. She (A/N Just in case you forgot, Ty and Martin were genderbent. Read the previous chapter.) pulled out her gigantic knife, and swung it at the mobs. The zombies and creepers were cleared out at an unbelievable speed. I just stood there for a few seconds, and Martin yelled, "Help me! Don't just stand there you dumbass!" I blushed a little bit to her girl voice, and started bombarding the middle part of the enemy. The enemies were blew up, or died to the wither effect. I could see withering enemies, and dead bodies all over the place. After 20 minutes of slaughtering, we annihilated most of the enemies. The rest of the monsters retreated.

We reported our first victory to General Jordan. He said, "This is the biggest victory since Herobrine has started the war against humans. Great job hybrids."

We went back to the lab, or the fortress, as it is now much more than a normal lab. Adam said, "So, umm... did you win?" "Of course! We rekt them real hard!" I replied happily.

Then, Hans butted in and said, "Domenique just found out her new ability other than healing!" "Yep, we found out that she is an expert in using bows and arrows." Ty said.

"By the way guys, I think we need some custom weapons for ourselves." Domenique suggested. "Ya! Let's get some good weapons!" Adam yelled.

-Adam's POV-

We collected all of the resources we need, and started making weapons. I made a diamond sword and a golden sword, with the power of darkness and light. Ty made claws, which are reinforced by ender energy. Jason made some armor to prevent him from taking too much damage. Martin upgraded his knife by extending its length using steel, and made it more deadly by making it cursed. Hans made a sword, which lights enemies on fire, and burning them permanently. Domenique made a crossbow which charges and fires really quick.

We equipped our new weapons and prepared for more battles. This war is going to last very long.

(A/N So yeah! Sorry for the lack of updates I am really busy and have no time for writing. Fucking stupid school.)

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