More Hybrids (Part 1)

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-Hans's POV-
We (finally) arrived at the battlefield. I saw General Jordan, and a boy and a girl. I assumed they are the new hybrids Jordan was talking about. The boy was wearing a black hoodie, and looked pale.

I said, "My name is Hans, and this girl next to me is Domenique." "Hello!" said Domenique.

The new girl said, "Nice to meet you! My name is Luka, and the boy next to me is Ivan." "Hi there!" said Ivan. General Jordan added, "Luka is a devil hybrid, and Ivan is a vampire hybrid. So if he looks pale, he is fine. Don't worry about him." That was pretty cool! I wonder what are their powers.

After a little chat, Jordan said, "Well, I guess now you all know each other well. Now, fight the enemies, and bring us victory." We nodded, and headed to the battlefield.

The warzone was a city (notice WAS), and we received info that this place was heavily guarded, and also full of mines (exploding ones). This would be hard. How do we go across?

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