Hard Times

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-Ty's POV-

I felt weird since I have turned into a girl. I could not do everything that I did as a boy. I even had to remember to go to the girl's washroom. Fortunately, I overcame all of that. Then, President Solace called us. He said that the enemy sent out some extremely powerful warriors. He said that Jason and Martin isn't suitable for this fight. He told us where the warzone is, and we flew there. You know, Hans, Domenique, and I all have wings. Adam can teleport all over the place. We arrived there, we saw General Jordan, and the warriors that Brice (President Solace) talked about. They said that we could fight four 1v1s. We accepted.

Those four warriors all had strong armor and used big swords and axes. So, we decided to fight while moving fast, or from a long range. We all turned into our hybrid forms, and rushed towards the warriors. I used my new ender claws, hit a warrior, and flew away quickly. He did not even touch me. I did that for quite a while, and he was taken down by the after-hit damage of ender energy. They seemed to be doing really good, except for Adam.

-Hans's POV-

This battle was easy-peasy. I lit the enemy on fire, and flew away. He was burning, but he could not even hit me. He somehow extinguished the fire, and I lit him on fire again. He then lay down on the floor, and I fired a strong pulse of fire through his body in point blanc range. Of course, he died. I saw Adam, and it seemed that he was in trouble.

-Domenique's POV-

I used some poisonous bolts (ammo for crossbows) and fired them at the enemy warrior. He got poisoned and walked even slower. I fired some power bolts that went through his armor and body. He was bleeding all over the place, and I fired one final explosive bolt that blew him up into pieces. (A/N #RestInPieces RIP) Then, I saw Adam in trouble. So, I went to help him, and the two others also came and help.

-Adam's POV-

I could not fly or stuff, so I just fought with both swords. I attacked faster than him and dodged most of his attacks. But he hit me once, and I could not move as fast as I was. He landed a few more hits, I blocked it, but I could not hit him again before he landed another hit. I needed help!

Fortunately, it seems that my friends realized I was in trouble, and they came to help me. Domenique fired some shots at the enemy, and healed me. Ty attacked the enemy with her claws, and Hans burned the enemy. After a few minutes, we finally defeated all four warriors. General Jordan shouted, "Great job guys, or girls. Whatever. You did great!"

After all that crazy battle, we went back to the fortress, or our home. I wonder what Martin and Jason were doing.

The Life of a Hybrid (a Skybrine, Enderlox, and other Hybrids fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now