More Hybrids (Part 2)

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-Luka's POV-
After we disarmed the mines (which created a huge noise), the enemies thought we were blown up by the mines. We could take them by surprise. I transformed into the Devil, and quietly searched for enemies. I found my target, snuck up behind them, and shot him in the head with my pistol (I use guns). I quickly took control over half of the city centre. I took their guns, and I was heavily armed. Then, I received a message from Jordan. He said, "You can stop now. Hans has already taken over the other half of the city." This guy, Hans, is truly a battle machine. Impressive.

We all returned to meet Jordan. He said, "Great job everyone. Herobrine must be angry when he knows he is defeated. However, he has infinite mobs,
that means we must stop them soon. I will send you guys, Adam, Ty, Jason and Martin to go into Herobrine's base, and defeat Herobrine. The whole world depends on you guys."

"Of course we can beat that little w*ore" said Ivan. "And we will beat the sh*t out of him" Hans added.

Jordan then said, "Hans and Dome, bring Luka and Ivan to your base, and be together before taking on Herobrine." "Sure we will." said Dome. Hans said, "Let's go! You will find our base just like your home."

After a flight, we arrived at Texas. At the airport, Hans brought us to a car, and the driver said, "Hey there my friends!" Hans replied, "Whatsup Jason!" So that guy is Jason. Hans continued, "How are you? Are you alright after what happened to you?" "Well, thanks to Martin's care, I recovered quite quickly." answered Jason. Then he said, "Hello! Welcome to the hybrid group!" "Thanks!" I said.

We drove for 2 hours, and we arrived outside an ordinary building. We walked in, and I found out it was anything except ordinary. It was just like a research centre, there were computers, more computers, printers, display boards, and a giant room made of extra-hardened glass. I asked, "What was that room for?" Jason answered, "It was for testing. Testing your powers." I saw a guy wearing sunglasses, and has a golden (Note from HDB: butter*) amulet. He said, "So these are the new members Jason?" "Yes they are. Luka and Ivan, this is Sky. Sky, they are Luka, and Ivan." said Jason.

We introduced ourselves, and Adam assigned 2 rooms for us. I unpacked my stuff and took a rest. This is just like home. The cozyness, the warmth, the air-con, computers, everything. However, we have a mission. We have to go and defeat Herobrine. It's time to strike back, for the humans, for the peace of Earth. According to what Jordan said, we have to go 5 days later, and take down every place where had Herobrine's army on the way. Herobrine will soon be defeated.

*5 Days Later*

It's time to go. We packed our stuff, and got onto our armored car given by Jordan to help on our mission. Within the car, it was just like the base. TV, computer, kitchen, bedrooms, toilets, everything was there. This was gonna be fun.The car was big, so it would probably draw fire. But, we were stronger than they were. Adam turned on the engine, and we were on our way.

The Life of a Hybrid (a Skybrine, Enderlox, and other Hybrids fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now