Chapter 10

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A/N: Hiya! So I'm über excited because its my 10th chapter! Yay! I hope whoever is reading this likes my story so far... If you want, tell me what I should be doing and what I should stop doing. I'm writing half for you guys, half for my entertainment. So talk to me, or if you don't.. That-that's ok too. But yes ma'am! I'll let you get back to reading. Bye bye friends!

(Emmaleigh's POV)

Tyler, Mia, and Emerson were all back when Niall and I came back. Who knows how long they were there. I looked at my phone while Niall and I were walking, and we were talking for about a good half hour before we decided to walk back to the others.

"So how did you guys actually find our spot?" I asked Niall. I know that it took Tamsin a while to find the whole in the bushes. So for them to find it that quickly, they HAD to be looking for it.

"Well," Niall began to explain. "Louis always believes that you should live life to the fullest. And that he's still 7," he adds quietly. I laugh at the last part. "But," he continued, "he likes going through bushes. So he walked a little on the path, and heard something like leaves cracking. He turned around, didn't see anything behind him, and then turned back around to bump into you." Niall put his hands in his pockets.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, seeing the pathway that lead to where the girls were waiting. Niall looks down at me, a sad smile on his face.

"No, it's just that," Niall hesitates, thinking of the words. I could've sworn that I saw some red creeping on his neck. "I wish that I was the one to go into the hole of the bush first that day," he says quickly, and at first, I didn't understand. But then, his cheeks turned bright red, and it clicked.

We were going to say more, but we got to the path and saw Harry next to Emerson, Mia next to Zayn, and Tyler in a circle on the ground, with Louis circling than and touching their heads. Niall and I laugh, understanding what they were playing.

"Hey guys!" I say to get their attention. I smile at them and walk over. "Can we join?" I ask, sitting down. The girls nod their heads, making room so it is possible for Niall and I to sit.

"Duck, duck, duck..." We hear Louis constantly say in the background. But the game wasn't entirely on our mind.

"Have you guys seen Tamsin and Liam?" Niall asks. They all shake their heads.

"GOOSE!" Louis shouts, and then Zayn shot up and sprinted after Louis. But Louis starts running all over the area, and ends up sitting in Zayn's spot.

"Duck, duck, duck..." Zayn starts to chant as we continue our conversation.

"We thought that they might be with you two," Emerson pipes up. And everyone agrees with her by nodding their heads.

"Well," I say, "Tamsin has a spot that only one person knows of," I start to say, but I corrects self. "Well, 2, considering that I know." That was the end of that conversation, and for about another 10-15 minutes, we played Dick-Duck-Goose.

From Zayn being the goose, he tagged Emerson, who ended up catching him. Zayn pouted before starting again. He chose Niall, bit Niall didn't notice until Zayn was half way in the other side, this making Niall the goose. After, he chose Harry, who chose me, and I chose Mia.

"Hey guys!" We hear. We turn to the sound and see Tamsin and Liam, hand in hand, walking towards us. Tyler, Mia, Emerson, and I all exchange a smirk, knowing that we would be having a little talk with Tamsin at Tyler's.

"Hey to you too!" I say, smirking at my best friend. She rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head. Liam turns bright red in the face.

"Who's ready to play some football!" Mia exclaims, getting up to grab the football. The boys looked confused. Tyler clears it up.

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