Chapter 14

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A/N: Sup-py sup, Wattpadders! This is who I was thinking could be Emmaleigh's OTHER 15 year old sister, Taylor --------->>>>>>>


Chapter 14 (Emmaleigh's POV)

The weeks always seemed to pass by really fast. It was now December. The boys had left in October, seeing as they had tour stuff to do.

We had hung out with them for a month before they left. They didn't want to leave just as much as wanted them too.

"We've already been here too long," Louis explains, one arm around a sad Tamsin with her head on his shoulder. The boys knew that all of the girls were with me at my house, so they popped by to say goodbye.

We were in the living room. I was sitting on the floor with Zayn, while Liam, Mia, Harry, and Tyler were in the couch, Tyler's legs across all of them. Emerson was helping Niall get something to eat.

"Well," Tyler starts, "how long were you guys supposed to be here?" We were all wondering the same thing. Niall clears up our confusion, coming in the room and conversation with a sandwich.

"We were supposed to be leaving after a week and a half." We all look at him as if he's telling a joke. But he's totally serious.

"A WEEK AND A HALF?!" Tamsin exclaims, breaking everyone's zone outs. "You've been in Atlanta for a month!" She looks at Liam for a reasonable explanation.

"Well," he starts, "we had, not one, but 5 reasons to want to stay, love." All of us girls look at each other and share the same thought: "we aren't 5 reasonable reasons for this!"

"It's not that big of a deal," Zayn speaks up. "Atlanta was the 3rd to last stop this year. We were supposed to get settled with the state for a week and a half, and then leave for the 2 others. Then we would come back, perform, and be done for the 2014 tour."

"It's still not a good enough reason." Mia crosses her arms over her chest, a clear indication that she's upset. Zayn gets up, realizing this.

"Awe, babe!" He pulls her up from the couch and hugs her. And just like that, all of our boys are having a hug-fest. And all of my girls, including myself, are about 5 seconds from tears falling.

"Don't cry, loves," Harry says, following Liam to the front door. "It won't be long until we are back in Atlanta, knocking on your doors." With 5 last goodbye words and hugs, they left us.

That was 2 months ago. Tamsin, Tyler, Emerson, Mia, and I decided not to let those 5 boys take our happiness away with them.

We continued our regular routine that was our life before we met One Direction.

We ate, slept, and procrastinated half the time when it came to our studies. We hung out with friends, we talked about school drama, and, of course, fangirled over our boys.

The only difference would be the popularity.

The paparazzi wasn't as bad as the boys', but we were all normal girls. Even though it was crazy in our eyes, we got used to it.

We decided to never do interviews, or go on talk shows. But we would smile and wave at the camera every once in a while.

We never looked at the newspapers or magazines, considering that we never really did that before. But the little girls would spot us in Walmart or walking out of Dairy Queen with a magazine to sign and a sharpie to sign it with.

I remember seeing one about me and Tamsin. It was just after I had given her the blanket, after the boys had left. It said, " Best Friends Emmaleigh And Tamsin Are Seen With Matching Blankets, Similar To One Directions' Louis And Harry." I just laughed, seeing a picture of us talking while bundled up in our blankets.

It was a Wednesday, and I was home alone. My dad was at work, and mom was off at the dentist with Alexis and Taylor. Who knows where Cam ran off to? Probably a friends to play video games or something related to that.

I was supposed to be studying for finals, seeing as it was December and this semester was coming to a close. But what was I doing instead? I was in the kitchen, baking brownies, because I got tired of studying.

I was so distracted by putting the right ingredients in, and the fact that I had One Direction playing on the loop, that I couldn't hear anything outside of the kitchen.

"Whatcha cookin' goo-" whoever was talking behind me was cut off by a soul ripping scream.

A scream that came from my mouth.

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