Chapter 18

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Hiya! I just wanted to know how you were liking the story. Should I add something? Should I NOT add something? I want to hear some feedback because, even though I'm writing for my entertainment, you're reading this story. So I want you to be entertained too!


(Emmaleighs's POV) 

These stupid hater Directioners!! It's so bad I don't even know what to do.  

I seriously can't stand this. These girls don't even know me, and they're continuously trashing on EVERYTHING about me. I mean, every little thing I do gets to them. If I walk outside, they think I'm only out to get attention. If I go to Starbucks, they think that I'm getting even more fat than I already am. I can't even hang out with my family outside of the house. 

Speaking of my family! One time, someone on twitter said something about my family. I literally replied to her: "no, just no. You can talk bad about me, but don't you say A WORD about my family." They don't even know my family members names! How would they be able to talk bad to them if they don't know. Of course, they're talking about me, but I figure that that's different. 

And it doesn't help that Ed is coming to my defense! 

Yes, we still talk, he even texts me. I don't know why I haven't cut off all contact with him. If everyone knew that I did, it would be less drama for me. But I have made it incredibly clear that I'm not interested. Even though I talk to him, I've told him that I only like Niall. The guy doesn't take a hint though! 

And he always defends me when the twitter attacks come. I would like it if he backed off some, maybe let Niall come to my rescue sometime. It's like he's practically Twitter stalking my profile everyday, telling all of the haters that pop up to back off of me. 1) I can handle myself, and 2) Niall doesn't even have time to check his Twitter.

This whole 'Ed' thing is really distancing Niall and I, to be honest. It doesn't help that he's so busy. Niall had even talked to Ed, but he wouldn't understand if it hit him in the face.  

It had been a week since the whole Ed encounter. 

"Hey," Tamsin says, waltzing in my room. "What's up, bubs? As if I don't already know," she scoffs 

"I don't like this, Tamsin." She pays my leg.  

"I don't either. And it's worse for you because you have 2 guys after you." She gets up and turns on the music. "But both of us have people to fight for. And if we don't, everything those haters have said will be true." I think about that.  

"Niall's worth it," I say. Tamsin starts to dance to 'Rock With You.' 

"I know it's tiring, Chica, but our boys will always be worth it." I laugh at her.  

"I love you, ya know," I say, going to check on my twitter.  

"Of course I do! You wouldn't deal with me if you didn't," I hear her reply in the background.  

I go through all of the hate tweets, but one gets my interest.  

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" 

"What?" Tamsin asks, haulting her dance and reading the tweet.  

@2143_6587mimmi: @sheppard_Em wow. First using Niall then playing Ed. And now you're trashing Demi?? Woooow 

I replied, not believing this.  

@sheppard_Em: @2143_6587mimmi first of all I am not nor would ever use Niall. I'm JUST FRIENDS with Ed. And I've never said a bad thing about Demi 

@2143_6587mimmi: @sheppard_Em that's not when she said in her recent interview... 

"WHAT?!" I screamed. This... This.. UGH!!  

"Emmaleigh," Tamsin said behind me, "sit on your bed. I will see what's going on." I did what I was told. She gave me a play-by-play of Demi's interview. I start messing with my fingers, wondering what Demi said about me. I mean, I shouldn't be worried, because if she did say something mean, it will obviously be untrue.

"Apparently," Tamsin started, "according to Demi, you bad mouthed her when you didn't even know her."  

"Such a lie!" Tamsin continues as if I didn't say that. But that was a lie. I didn't bad mouth her at all. Yeah, maybe I gave her some sass but that was it.

"It said that 'she got a feeling that you thought she was pathetic, saying that she had been asking all week for Niall to hang out,' " 

"Well, she was right about that. But I would never SAY anything THAT rude!" Tamsin looks at me, a face that says 'oh honey, I know.' 

"Apparently, the interviewer asked if there was any tension between you two," Tamsin says, going back to the computer. "Demi answered that she felt a little bit of tension, but she had no idea why."  

"That's a load of Bologna!" I exclaimed, knowing very well that she knew EXACTLY why there was tension. She was all over Niall, when he obviously didn't like her. I mean, you don't have to seem pathetic when you want something you can't have.

"Well, I think you know what you have to do," Tamsin says, a little excitement in her voice. Why I have no idea. But I answer anyway.  

"Yeah," I reply, "I have to tweet a crap load more." Tamsin starts pumping her fists in the air.  

"YEA- Wait, what?" Tamsin asks, not understanding. "Why in the world would you do that?" I look at her.  

"To make people understand that I don't hate Demi," I say slowly. 

"I thought you were going to confront her! Awe, tweeting is boring," Tamsin says, pouting. I laugh at my sister.  

"And a good way to avoid unnecessary drama." I laugh. "This is why you have me, to keep you, Tams, out of trouble. Because, knowing you, you would probably start bashing the girl instead of looking for better, and calmer ways to clear up the drama." I get on twitter, and start to type: 

@sheppard_Em: I've realized that a lot of you have heard and thought a lot of things about me. Lets take one topic at a time, shall we? #iDONThateDemi

That rest of the week consisted of the hashtag 'iDONThateDemi'. All I did was tweet about why I couldn't hate Demi.  

I got this tweet once:  

@lexi13579: @sheppard_Em so you don't hate her?? 

I replied, saying this: 

@sheppard_Em: @lexi13579 of course not! I've only talked to her once. I know NOTHING about her, thus making it wrong for me to hate her :) 

@lexi13579: @sheppard_Em but it was rumored that she liked him. Doesn't that make you nervous? Jealous? 

@sheppard_Em: @lexi13579 honestly, no. I totally trust Niall :) 

And with that, the Demi thing was slightly over. It would've been fully over had I not opened my door Friday evening.  

I was with Tamsin and Mia when my doorbell rang. We all got up and left my room, the girls going to the living room where they would be out of sight but in hearing range. I went to open the door.  

A voice hit me, anger and hatred evident in it.  

"Well, aren't you just a bowl full of drama-avoiding, happy sunshine?"

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