Chapter 3

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(Emmaleigh's POV)

So I screamed. And then I stopped when I noticed that I was in someone's arms. They weren't that muscular, but there was some definition here and there. Definitely a boy.

So I looked up into beautiful blue eyes. They're just like the color... No! That would never happen to me, I thought. But then, I looked at his face, and I screamed a second time.

And then there was pitch black.

(Tamsin's POV)

Seeing as Emmie fainted and was out of it for the rest of the day, I will be telling you how the rest of the day went.

Hi! So I'm Tamsin. I am 18, and I go to the same school as Emmaleigh, Tyler, and Mia, my 3 best friends. I am a red belt in Tae Kwon Do, so the second I heard Emmaleigh scream, I obviously kicked into defense mode.

Some would call it best friend mode, but honestly, I call it If-My-Friend's-Hurt-Somebody's-Gonna-Die mode.

We heard the second scream, and we all started running as fast as we could. "Somebody's gonna die tonight I know it" I kept saying in my head. I see Louis Tomlinson.... LOUIS. FREAKING. TOMLINSON!!!!

"From One Direction?" You may ask. Heck yes, from One Direction!!

I see the scene around me. Louis is holding a limp Emmaleigh. And then I go into full defense mode.

"What did you do to her? Are you a Louis Tomlinson look-a-like who tries to prey on innocent and weak Directioners?! Because if you are you have another thing comin' bro," I say calmly. One thing that I learned in Tae Kwon Do was to always act natural and calm. It throws your attackers off.

"Louis" would have held his hands up in surrender, but seeing as he was holding Emma, it was a little difficult.

"Calm down, love," he said, "I'm Louis Tomlinson." He had a strong UK accent, but anyone could.

"How and why should I believe you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"There are six 'r's," he states. I hesitate. There are many YouTube videos about the 6 'R's.

"Too easy. Who didn't say hi to the fans in Liam's twit cam?" I ask, and he thinks for a minute.

"That's easy! It was Harry!" I nod. I look around and am about to ask Tyler and Mia something, but Mia has her mouth open like a gaping fish, and Tyler... I have no idea where Tyler went. I look around and then find her passed out on the ground.

"Well, at least one of the girls won't have a headache in the morning," I state dully. I look back at Louis. "I'm so sorry about this." He smiles.

"It's ok. I mean, we are used to fans, but not fainting ones..."

"Yeah, well. Apparently I'm the only one who has their head screwed on right," I state and we both laugh. "So are the other boys here. Because I won't be able to take them back to my car by myself." Louis looks surprised.

"Oh yeah! Are they all going with you?" He asks me. "Liam, Harry! I need your help," he shouts, as I'm am getting out my cell phone.

"Oh yeah, they most definitely will want to be at my house tonight." I text all of their parents, saying that I am taking them home for a sleepover.

"Why do you say that?" Louis asks. I look up from my phone just in time to see the other 3 boys - Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne - come from the bush.

I shake my head to not faint or scream. "Well, because we would have a lot to talk about. But we need to get these girls to my car. So if you guys would grab a girl, I will lead the way," I say, walking to the hole in the bush.

"So," I started, "I'm Tamsin. And you guys really don't have to do you introductions." I look back at them and smile. "We all know who you guys are."

"Then," Louis starts to ask," who am I holding?" I find this whole situation ironic, to be honest. Louis is holding Emmie, but Tyler and Mia always fight over him. Niall, who Emmaleigh loves, is carrying Tyler. And Liam is half leading, half dragging Mia by the shoulders behind her. And I'm walking with Zayn behind me.

"Well, Louis, you are carrying Emma. Liam, you're dragging Mia, and Niall, you're holding Tyler." I look behind me at them and see that their nodding their heads.

"So," Liam started, and I stopped walking abruptly.

"Is something wrong?" Zayn asked me, curiously. I shake my head. You see, I have this thing where I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. I'm at a crossroads where I would have to choose between hating spoons and loving cats! If you don't understand, I don't know who I like better: Liam or Harry, who, by the way, is nowhere to be found.

"Sorry, nothing's wrong. Continue," I say as I start to walk again. I her Liam laugh before her starts, and the sound makes me smile a little.

"Why aren't you speechless or fainting yet?" Liam asks curiously. It's really quiet, and I start laughing really hard. We most got to the actual playground of the park, where I see Harry Styles swinging.

"Well, the girls and I actually talked about this a couple weeks before." Harry sees us and get off of the swings. "Tyler said that she would faint, which she did, and Emmie would scream, but she didn't mention anything to us about fainting as well." I look and see Harry walking towards us. Keep it cool, I say to myself, just like I told myself when I saw Liam. "I was actually going to be speechless and Mia was going to be the one to keep her cool. You can see that the roles were reversed for us. Hi," I say to Harry, "I'm Tamsin!" Harry looks down at me and smiles.

"Hi. I'm-" he started to introduce himself, but I cut him off by laughing.

"I know who you are." Harry puts on a flirty smile for me, but soon got distracted at Liam's oh-so subtle coughing, and looking at Harry pointedly. I didn't know what that was about, but I heard the boys start to snicker. I continued to walk and talk. "So we promised each other that at least one of us would keep her cool, so that we didn't seem TOO crazy." They boys all laugh at that. "I was the one to, so it was a given. Granted, I'm practically screaming on the inside." We turn into the school parking lot.

"So do you have a twitter?" Niall asked. "Any of you?" I looked at him, but he was too busy looking at Emmaleigh in Louis' arms to notice. I nod my head, and we reach my van when I look at all of them.

"I have to get the keys. I will be right back!" I yell, running into the building. I get the keys out of my mom's purse in the main office. I notice that she isn't in the room, and guess that she's doing some last minute trash stuff before we leave. Anyway, I run back to the now unlocked van.

When I get there, I see that the girls are being buckled into the seats.

"Ok!" I say, clapping my hand together. "How can I thanks you guys for your help?" They all chuckle.

"Well seeing as this is kind of our fault to begin with, why don't you just give us your twitter name and we will follow you?" Louis says smiling. He looks at the other boys and they're smiling widely and nodding. I'm about to die from excitement.

"Oh! Well, if you follow me, you'll be able to find the girls. Especially Emmaleigh, Niall," I say, grinning at the Irish boy. He turns bright red and everyone starts laughing. "It's TammieLynn," I tell them, jumping up and down happily.

"Cool," Niall says, and smiles a sheepish smile in Emmaleigh's direction. "We'll tweet you later." And with that they left. And I met One Direction. Did I actually meet One Direction?! Oh my gosh!! I just met One Direction!! I feel someone's hand on my back. It was my mom.


She laughed and shook her head. "That's nice honey," she said, getting into the driver's seat. And with 2 girls passed out, 1 frozen, and 1 jumping in her seat from excitement, my mom drove all four of us to my house.

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