03| Be Mine

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"Rosa, getting a fucking grip of yourself," Papa shouted at me, but snorting at his words, I stood up from the dinner table, and walked away without saying a word to him.

"Rosa... Rosa... come back, now... Rosa... Estrella Rosa De Leon!!!"

Ignoring all his screams, and calls. I dared not to turn back.

Enrique just has not left me, but he never returned to even visit me once. Nope, the man is too busy helping his love, that bitch Valentina to spare a glance at his newly wedded wife.

I know, it is paining my parents too. Seeing me like this, but maybe, I don't want to still clearly see through what has happened to me these past 3 months. I know that Valentina recently has lost her father, and now even Dante has left her to wander off somewhere, but how does all of this become Enrique's problem?

He fucking should be here, with me but no... Humph, he is away out in the world holding that bitch in his arms.

Yesterday, I saw in the news, Valentina during a press conference fainted and he, my damn husband held her in his arms to take her away from the flashing pool of those cameras. If I was there, drowning in agony like she is, would he do the same?


Heaving a deep regretful sigh, I turned to look at the open gates of my room. My mother was there, her face carved with worry and frowns and I'm the reason for the disaster caused.

They warned me, Papa, too, but what really happened in the end, I pushed myself right from the cliff to prove to the only man how much I love him instead of seeing behind, my actions were hurting the only people who care for me. My parents.

"Mama, what now?" Rolling on the bed, I faced another side, hiding my face in the pillow. Soon after, the corner of the bed dipped indicating she has accommodated herself.

"I was talking to your father; would you mind if we go and visit Valentina and her mother? I mean, Aurora is not feeling too well nowadays, after your uncle Gonzalez has passed away, she is alone. We might accompany her for some time. Even that poor soul Valentina, she is left alone by Dante in this hard time, if Enrique wasn't there-"


"You said something?"

I could hear the sudden astonishment in her voice, she would be thinking I will stop her or might lash as well but the revulsion wasn't towards her but the woman she wills to visit and help even knowing how because of her, Enrique's absence in my life is hurting me. If my own mother can look past my deluge pain, why should I care to acknowledge my own?

"I said, you can go if you want. I've already told you; I regret this marriage and nothing else. It isn't like I love Enrique or something but the way they're using my name to spread rumors of Enrique cheating on me with Valentina and all the absurdity is hurting. I'm not a villain to snip off someone's relationship. They need you, so go and visit her."

"Oh, my baby has become so mature. Thanks, darling, we'll be back early."

"Sure, have a safe trip."

I didn't dare to tell her about my love interest or even that I confessed to Enrique, she would lash at me hearing that. My mother is an amazing woman, but her first duty lies with Aurora Gonzalez, her sister, and Valentina's mother.

Valentina isn't actually my cousin because uncle Nicolas cheated on aunt Aurora with someone, but since aunt Aurora can't conceive, she accepted and raised Valentina as her own. I will never ever tell anyone that, I heard my mother and aunt Aurora talking about Valentina's real mother.

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