26| Jealousy

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"Arghhh..." I screamed as Enrique threw the glass on the floor, shattering akin to the temper of his mind, collapsing. It scared me, the way his eyes glowed in the room's darkness with the only blessing of the moonlight kissing the corners of the seclusion.

"Enrique, don't think too much. This is just a misunderstanding-"

"It is not a fucking misunderstanding, Estrella Rosa De Leon. It isn't. You had extramarital affair although I, Enrique Esteban Reyes remained faithful to you even if it existed on the papers... I fucking want us to work Rosa, but what you did..." the way his pitch dropped, increased the palpitation of my scared heart.

His eyes looked demonic and with the way he clenched his jaws, I felt the furious rage he still constrained within.

"Enrique, please. There is nothing like what you're trying to think about. I do spend the nights with Luca but not the way you're thinking. It is solely out of friendship. Many nights, it was Luca, Daniela, and I as well, and most of the time, Nolan, Luca, and I. There is nothing for you to get so pissed over." I bargained, not able to control my agitation.

He might be angry but was his wrath any less than mine?

"You really think, breaking things would solve this miscommunication we just had then fine, let's do that," I yelled back at him, and turned to switch on the lights. As the room illuminated, my eyes fell on the scrambled books, files, and just everything on the floor. The place looked worse than a robbery scene.

Though, I still had my mind fixed on his deranged thoughts. He can so easily accuse me of infidelity but forgot how I had to shut up even if I was aware of his cognitive infidelity through the past years of our marriage.

Grabbing the vase kept at the side table, I picked and threw it on the floor, joining the celebration of misery, it scattered like many of those tears I shed because of him. Taking a wooden antique, I threw it across the room, that hit the sliding glass doors of the adjoined balcony. Not satisfied enough, I strode across the room standing right in front of him, picked up the champagne bottle, and as well smashed it on the floor while doing so, staring straight into his eyes with explicit rage and agony.

"Look, Enrique Reyes. All the things are broken and devastated just like our marriage. When one tries to collect the pieces, the other breaks them and vice versa. See from your own eyes, Enrique Reyes. Doesn't this look like such a beautiful tsunami of destruction to you? Now realizing, we can really not work, even if I thought of giving you..." I poked my index in his cheat and gulped the tears that threatened to spill.

"You, a man who was in love with his own sister-in-law, a chance to build the marriage we couldn't make it initially. But you suck at it, Enrique. Again, it is you who crumbled this chance. Remember that, because I am done with your shenanigans. Find that Valentina, who can put up to your charade, I back out. If you cannot trust me or my words, we better stop this chance here only." With that said, I moved away from him. Turning to leave.

But no, the almighty just doesn't love me enough.

Enrique wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest and burying his face in the back of my hair.

I could feel the inconsistent rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest. My eyes blurred, but I refrained from shedding any tears for a man who can think, if a man is my best friend, then I would be sleeping around with him and we can't really have a normal friendship.

"I am scared..." He whispered in his deep voice and closing my eyes, I bit my lip to not release the snivel of hurt.

"Luca is everything, Rosa. He is everything best for you. He is a man of your age, who understands you best, and I deem him to be best for you and it terrifies me. A decade and a half of the age gap between us is what makes me different from you. If I walk with you, don't you already know, people presume me to be your brother? Even sometimes to be your uncle." He sounded so feeble, and it was my second time ever seeing him like this.

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