30| The Lover And Façade

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"You look beautiful, CEO." I smiled hearing Daniela speak in her all gone assistant tone to me. I much appreciate her help and couldn't lie how much I was grateful for it.

My eyes met my own reflection in the full-length mirror, dressed in the white formal dress, with nude heels and curls opened, cascading down to my torso. The bold and natural look combined for the big revelation today was much anticipated by my father and me. I smirked at myself but for that nanosecond when Daniela excused herself, my hands glided to my lips, tips drifting on the sheer coat of cheery gloss and feeling the softest touch Enrique placed there yesterday. Just one moment misted my eyes.

"Princess," Papa called, coming inside with Mom alongside him, equally dressed for today's board meeting and I couldn't stop smiling with their striking professional appearance.

"You guys are rocking, literally." I complimented going for a hug, while I stepped away after the hugging ceremony, if I didn't look at the mischievous eyes of my father with the same devious glint of my own, I couldn't understand why he seemed so different today.

Branch quarters in Barcelona have been my training field since the time, I received papa's letter years back that he personally wishes for me to train as a professional, with higher-up authority and today was the real battle.

I wanted to laugh that Papa and I did a great job at fooling Enrique too, but why I still ended up crying was out of my mind? Though Papa was furious that mom didn't stop Enrique from kissing me, since yesterday, I dreaded that he really was in full demon business mode, but I too have prepared for the worst.

And today, Leon enterprises will accept its new CEO who till now lived in faceless rumors among people. Not a man as they thought, but the rightful heiress to the reign, Estrella Rosa De Leon.

Daniela interviewed for a personal assistant position coincidentally at my company and I couldn't be less impressed with her interview that my subordinates took. She manages some projects, while efficiently handling the work and her paycheck is enough to support even Luca for not pushing to get a scholarship, but she hides it so he can develop into a tough and responsible man unlike someone I know, who doesn't want to claim his position as Nolan's father.

I stared at Daniela, while Dad fixed his tie, meanwhile and Mom elatedly went through the news pieces pasted with eager media online.

"Dan, can I ask you a personal question?"

She looked at me bewildered. Though looking gorgeous in a black dress with files in one hand, tab, and phone in the other, a neat blonde bun set atop her head like the sun over a mountain. And those azure eyes of her, they were the gem of purity.

I couldn't wipe the feeling that for a split second I wanted to be her, so jealous that she got to have that man's child whom I loved religiously like day and night. Gave my heart and soul to him as if it meant nothing, only to be betrayed with the worst stab.

"Do you ever think about, giving another chance to Nolan's father and forming a family back with him?" My parents stopped in their work, looking at me while she gaped like a fish with an open mouth, but I needed to know this, I wanted this closure before stepping into the most important part of my life. My career, my reign.

"No. He left me with his own wish, without an explanation, and never looked back so, I too don't wish to have something with him but I wouldn't mind taking back what he took from me."

"What?" I was curious, but I could see the dark wrath in her steady pupils that darkened with rage and bottled fury.

"Revenge for the heartache he caused me. I gave my youth up, just to become a woman to that man, loved him religiously day and night, so I want it back, to crush him to dust the same way he did to me. The apology that he did the mistake of toying with an innocent's heart." She whispered, correcting her appearance.

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