22| Chase

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"Hey, Amor. Would you mind getting the blue file I kept on the bedside table this morning?" I asked Rosa, who was busy feeding Nolan. She by every aspect looked so adorable with the kid that for a split second I forgot, she is her aunt and we're not his parents.

"You can do that too; I am feeding Nolan." Hearing her spiteful words, I heaved a sigh. I thought she might be fine after the little time we spent together locked in my room, and us confessing but nope, this woman is deranged, who would never believe me. She said and I quote. "I am not falling under your charm or spell this time so better stay 10 nations away from me."

And as if I could stay away. She is giving me cold shoulders but fine, even I wouldn't believe myself after what I have done to her.

Confessing I love you was too much rather I see cause for sure she isn't stupid and however, I do like her and attracted to her but how much that like is a love I haven't considered yet. Nevertheless, I'm willing to bargain that as well for her, seeing our compatibility.

"How are your preparations going for the last paper? You wanted to learn some topics, didn't you?" I expectantly looked at her and by far kept a stoic face, not let letting my dearest siblings get the whiff of what was going on between us but they still were too smart to share smirks and knowing looks among themselves. Bloody pawns of Satan.

"It is going great; I'll be done with other topics by afternoon, later would be taking Nolan to meet Luca before getting down for the final topic. I think Luca has cracked the theory so, yes. I'll just ask him to teach me if he can." She smiled grimly at me and I frowned ignoring the snickers of Esmeralda and Dante.

"I told you that I will, then what's the problem then?"

"I can just manage fine, Enrique. I don't need you."

It felt like World War 3 instead of the breakfast table. Her words turned me sour and especially that Luca, I'll behead him if I ever see that boy crossing his line with my woman.

"When I said, I will, then I will, Rosa. You don't have to rely on someone else other than me?" I told her furiously, but she snorted.

"I am very much capable to have my way through the problems, and sure enough I can't afford the time of a Spanish business magnate like you, Mr. Reyes." She spoke smugly and flaring the rage inside me to pick her up by the collar of her dress and bang her on this table until she forgets to speak after screaming my damn name from her sassy mouth.

"Nolan, let's go and meet your Tio. Then we can go for ice cream. What say?"

"Ice cream!!! Tia, please take me too."

"Me... Me pwease."

All the children at the table become so elated hearing of ice cream and we chuckled.

"Then, Ricky please go with Ella and take the children with you. I'll be going to Seville today and would return after a week. Dante would be going with me too." Esmeralda informed, making me and Rosa freeze in our seats, gaping at both my siblings astound.

"Wait... what?! You both are leaving? Today? Making us nanny for your kids?" I yelled at them flabbergasted, what do they think am I, or as per se, Rosa and I are, for them to leave such responsibility on us?

"You'll do fine, Ricky. And, it is just about a week. What can go wrong?"

"Everything, Dante Reyes. Just every fuc-"

"Enrique!!!" Rosa shrieked mid-sentence making me stop as I looked at her horror-written face alongside my siblings throwing daggers at me.

"We have kids here, Mr. genius. Don't talk crap in front of them. No profanities." She yelled heatedly and I could already sense what a frustrating week would it be.

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