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"How are you feeling today, Mrs. Reyes?" The doctor asked me with a small smile. She was in her late forties but a very nice person. Treating me and always shared little gossip she had collected from around the hospital. I would hate to complain that I always get bored with those off-topic matters, and would be glad enough if she could just free me early after the checkups, but she keeps me quite busy now that I each time visit her after being released two weeks back.

Speaking truthfully, it has been a month now since the incident. At first, dealing with the pain of losing my child was much more unbearable than the pain I felt in my whole life. I too got the news a week before I told Enrique about it, but I was naïve to think, I really could be a good mother and protect my child.

My soul went away with it as well and hearing that there are 60% chances I can never get pregnant again was enough to break my remaining spirit. But what changed my mind was my mother and mother-in-law. They both scolded me to think that I even needed a child.

First, it was my mom, who said, I happened because she forgot to take pills, and secondly, that had me asking her question, why did she have those pills when I told them the first time, I lost my virginity. And then I got to know, she just bought it on a whim many times visiting market because my face scared her for some weird reason, but later on buying, she remembers that she has no more a uterus. I laughed hard at that and why not; she was a joker in those imaginations of mine.

Next, my mother-in-law reminded me, that children our Satan's pawns and mistakes. She is getting old already at this young age, taking care of her old children who should become grandpa and grandma instead. While she said, the ideas of grandchildren were amazing, and she already has them and what she wants from me is getting better and rule as the rocking CEO of Leon enterprises. Never she told me, that she wanted any grandkids of Enrique. She was happy with whatever she had.

I slowly was recovering from the incident physically and emotionally and each day during my stay, waiting for that one man to walk inside and let me cry in his arms and mourn for the little person we both created and lost.

Dante, Luca, Daniela, Asa, and even Theo came to meet me after recovering, but there was no sign of the man I longed to see.

Papa and mom brought me home after discharge two weeks back and since then, I am just lounging around, doing nothing, but resting as directed by my dinosaur father whom I cannot love enough.

"What a bastard husband, left you as soon as he knew that you have chances of not getting pregnant?" My dear doctress chided, but I shook my head, declining her opinion. I know my Enrique, he must be spent somewhere in the corner of his house, with empty bottles of wine and self-loathing himself for what happened to me.

Only if he just knows, I do not hate him or blame him and neither my parents nor anyone for the matter blames him. He is the guy who was needed by the country and he has made me proud of his job. Even if he is no more an Alpha E of Interpol anymore and Theo has made the announcement, about how he worked with the national security and Enrique helped him with it, without revealing too much and shifting people's attention.

To put on a show, Enrique received a citizen bravery award as well. Though his services had given him an award for his spectacular work and the years of service and risk of life he gave for many critical missions.

The day, Asa handed me the pen drive, and I got the entire information on Enrique, I couldn't have been happy enough which also made me forget how Asa was able to obtain that confidential information, but that was another story, a truth I can extort from her any time of the day or century. Right now, I needed to go back to my home. Where my man is residing.

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