07| Puppy Mommy

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"Princess, come here," he voiced as if singing opera, and my cheeks puffed out, lips pouting with anger. I was a minute away from castrating this man, Daniela saved him. His fortunate luck.

"You don't get the right to do this. Luca, are you crazy or what?!" I shouted shoulder passing him and storming to God knows where? Just anywhere but a place he cannot come.

"Princess, at least listen for once. I didn't mean to do that, it just..."

"It just what bastard?! That fucking car cost me months of sleep and fucking runs over my sweat and blood. And you, your assness just went and had SEX in there!!!" I shouted at top of my voice, stepping on his foot with evil force having him jump a foot in the air with pain.

"I didn't mean to, promise Estrella. It just happened, the girl came, offered me and I got... you know-"

"You fucking got horny and fucked her. That damn car service costs me a month's salary. I don't own the company I work in, I'm just an intern, a trainee god damn it." What could've I done to rip his head off, my career ladder started from me securing a great job and then becoming an intern. It's been a year now since I started working after my second semester, the pay was damn well and joining some of my savings, I bought a car. My first damn car, and the most heinous thing, asking Luca to get groceries from the market and drive my car.

"I hate you, Luca. Go and die!!!"

Huffing, I stormed to the cafeteria to have lunch. Luca didn't follow from thereon, and I was grateful for that. My anger wasn't subsidized from yesterday and wouldn't be any soon.

Classes silently went on. Luca and I study together now, rather than him teaching me. My only problem was with a focus which Luca helped me in, concentration made me more enthusiastic about my studies, and help from here and there was obviously great. And of course, a special letter that I received after my first end semester was everything, I needed to collect my focus and aim for a bigger goal, a secret admirer of mine that made me smile with the ambition which sprouted so many desires of the future.

"Estrella, can you hand over these papers to Luca, I cannot find him." Chelsi, my classmate requested. I was in dilemma whether to take up the task or not, for I'm still angry with that bastard but maybe I shouldn't escalate it that much, my car worth nothing in comparison to my friend, maybe I can let it slide just this once but next time, it will be his soul I'm going to hunt down.

"Sure, Chelsi. Rest assured, I'll hand it over to him. Anything else I can help you with?" She politely declined my offer and went to her work. Being a Class representative is rather a tough task must I say.

With the last class ended, I walked to meet Luca who must be practicing in the field after skipping the last class. The only class we don't share is, him opting for Latin language and I, doing English instead.

My feet padded along the deserted hallway as I inched closer to the gate opening towards the field. Finally coming out to have the humid air hitting my face, a low groan left my lips. I was sweating a lot today because of the weather. Hoping a rain shower would help.

My eyes scanned the entire field to look for the abomination and finally, that man was in the corner of the field in his shorts and t-shirt playing with the ball alone.

Jumping and skidding, I made my way to him. The freshly water sprinkled grass of the field made me happy as if given a cool air around it. I was in full mood now and started loudly singing in a pathetic tune, Loca by Shakira thinking myself to be her as well. Only if I had her voice, I would rule this world like some siren of the sea, singing and killing anyone who pissed me off.

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