12| Do You Know Me?

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"Sorry to trouble you," and like ever so sweetly, she started her venomous seduction of words.

"Not a problem. Even so, I am planning a stay with my friends tonight, thus it wouldn't hurt even if you stay in spite of that... or not would be glad." That last words were whispers, so she didn't hear me saying.

Enrique and Dante, both the bastards were late today, specifically, and none bothered to fucking inform me that the bitch was coming, those motherfucker rascals. I hope I can stick a drill up their dicks and do a favor to humankind.

Before my mind can curse them furthermore, a message from Enrique had me knocked up to hills and thrown down into the ocean.

Bastard No. 1: I'm downstairs. Come down with a duffle bag and your essentials. We won't be staying at home tonight.

Estrella: Are you crazy? Tomorrow is my college. What do you want me to do?

Bastard No. 1: I want Dante and Valentina to clear things out. She told me the truth about Flora's origin and would tell Dante too, tonight.

Estrella: ugh!!! Jump over a bridge, Enrique... I'm coming!!!

My blood pressure will have me visit a hospital soon. These brothers won't let me sleep peacefully ever.

"Valentina, my friend Luca is waiting downstairs for me. I will leave now."

"Oh, I won't hold you back then. Enjoy. But Rosa..." she trailed, looking at me and rolling my eyes heavenwards, I planted my ass back to hear her out. This missy, what I won't do just to kill her.

"Um... Are... Are you cheating on Enrique?" She asked with concern, and of course, the obnoxious woman has to tick my nerves.

"Please don't... don't tell Enrique." I looked at her with horror written over my face. Plain horror, or shall I say, feigning horror. Well, whatever makes her believe.

"What!!! You're cheating on Enrique?!"

"Please, don't tell him. I'm... I was lost when he left me on my own, so this man, Luca... came into my life. He is amazing, marvelous as well, and I couldn't be more thankful to him for the care and love he showed me. But I know that I have my boundaries as well. He is married too but I promise... he doesn't like his wife. He has a 20-year-old son though," I sounded defeated as I told her and made sure that Luca can face no one once this joke come out but sure not so soon.

I'm going to sell his name well.

"Are you even serious, Rosa?! A 20-year-old son? How old is this man?" She yelled at me, shocked and astonished.

"47. But Luca is a great man, Valentina. I love him a lot. And his son also accepts me. We even thought about marrying each other after I graduate. And it's not like Enrique is a day older than me, he as well is 14 years older than me. But how... I mean, how do you know about my affair?" I so wanted to laugh at her contorted expression as I told her about this 47-year-old Luca.

God, I can imagine Luca putting my ass on fire. Dan will again have a reason to laugh in her sleep.

"The way you smiled after taking this Luca's name, I guessed he means more than just a friend and then you got afraid and told me everything, on your own accord." She sounded happy instead of getting furious or worried. I refrained from snorting at her face, and already know that the phone she has turned on and started recording didn't go unnoticed by my eyes.

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