38| Baby Shower

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"You worry too much Enrique. The previous month too, you drove back in the middle of the night because you felt something ominous. It is all in your mind, everything is alright." I assured him, getting dressed for my baby shower.

Daniela planned it perfectly and Asa has come to attend with her other friends and family.

My parents- and parents-in-law will be there too. This time around, instead of just involving females only, we are doing it including both males and females.

"It isn't just in my mind, Rosa. I don't know but there is something we're missing out," Enrique confessed again, and I had no words on how to make him feel relieved. Not once but there are too many occasions, that Enrique has been cautious on, as far as, coming to my office lately when I asked him not to. He wants to keep watch each second of my movements.

He has gone to the limits of assigning the top security services of the world just because he feels something isn't right. That is absurd, I don't hold him back from doing all that because a part of me believes, maybe, just maybe he can be right and I am under someone's watchful eyes. So, precautions are better than cures.

"You don't have to take stress, just be cautious is all I ask for." He kissed my cheeks, wrapping his arms around my belly from behind while both of us looked in the mirror, smiling at each other.

I was dressed in an organza blue fairytale gown with lots of baby pink flowers embedded in it while Enrique had casual attire with an organza blue dress shirt and khaki pants. He too had put a small pink rose in his pocket to match my dress style.

"I clearly don't want to know, how you made that baby bump so please, have mercy and come down. Everyone is waiting for you guys." Asa chirruped, coming inside our room. The doors were already open so I can't even accuse her of knocking. Damn it, missed my good chance of throwing a pregnancy tantrum.

"I learned my lesson of not calling a pregnant woman, a baby whale. So, you should learn that too," Asa whispered loudly in Enrique's ears, but he shook his head in disbelief.

"You already know, those comments don't affect steelhead like her. And she looks so cute that everywhere she goes, almost every passerby stops to compliment her." Enrique sassed, kissing my cheeks and Asa scowled.

"Oh, sorry. I wish I had Spaniard genes like you both. Congratulations that you got married, idiots." She walked out, totally pissed.

"Why do you keep riling her up?"

"Why does she keep her anger on her nose each second?"

A loud voice of glass breaking resounded, and I looked at Enrique who started laughing.

"And you ask me?" Saying he kissed my forehead and went out to look at what new mess Asa created.

At the baby shower, I expected everything but not, Enrique singing for me. He has sung for me in private on many occasions but singing in front of all was just something I never experienced.

With tears in my eyes, because someone was cutting onions, I adored my husband's performance. He sang Melody from Cadmium and though it suited more to him and his past, yet all the affection of words directed to me, that was what it mattered.

"I can only imagine how it is to be with you
From the first day I saw your face I knew this love was true
But you were already taken, nothing I can do
So I can only imagine, how it is to be with you

I can only imagine we're both loving through the night
I can only imagine us together side by side
I can only imagine we're dancing in the moonlight
I can only imagine, I can only imagine

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