27| Ice Queen

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"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Reyes." The female with short blonde hair greeted us. She seemed to be in her mid-thirties. I smiled at her and took in her beautiful appearance. A diamond ring shone on her ring finger while the glow of pregnancy as I looked at the little bump in her stomach rested on her cheeks.

"Congratulations," I wished her and a soft hue of red kissed her cheeks as she smiled.

"Thanks a lot, now you both should come with me to the conference room, Ms. Galen is waiting for you there." She said, walking us towards the elevator.

The whole building was beautiful, to say the least, with gaming pictures, models, technical stuff as well, lighting, and colors, it was the perfect blend of splendid architecture and interior designs. As the doors of the elevator opened on one of the topmost floors, I walked out alongside Enrique. Following the lady who brought us to the white doors that opened to the conference hall.

My eyes shifted to the head chair of the immensely long granite table and I paled to look who was seated there. Asa Galen.

It slipped from my mind, that Silver G. belonged to the Ice Queen of New York. She is an unrivaled enigma, as her eyes moved from the laptop to look at us, her once smile faltered into amused bewilderment. She raised from her seat, and I dug my heel into the tiles I stood on.

"Let's go, amor." Enrique ushered me forward and my forehead glistened with the cold sweat of horror. No. No. Please, not now, I so worked on this not to be blown off.

"Hello, Enrique. And this..." she turned to me, once shaking hands with Enrique, and gulping I smiled like a Cheshire cat. Waving my hand towards her, I went for a handshake but she pulled me in a hug and whispered in my ears, so low that only I heard her speaking.

"The world of your husband is going to shake soon, isn't it?" She pulled away smiling at me, while I was almost trembling with the fear of the thought that the cat went out of the back.

"Well, you have a beautiful wife, only if I was into girls." At her words, my mind snorted and Enrique laughed. She isn't into boys as well. Asa Galen, the Ice queen running her multi-billionaire gaming company is a straight woman who happens to be 50% misandrist and 100% feminist. I really want to know, who will knock her heart though. Still, whatever. As far as, she doesn't put a knife on my throat, we're friends but if she does, both of us can turn to get into a messy battleground.

"Let's sign the papers and then you guys can be free to do your stuff." She told us, that as her assistant, the blonde beauty with a cute baby bump brought the agreement papers. Enrique and Asa simultaneously signed the papers, sharing little conversation meanwhile my world was almost spinning with Asa's presence. This woman is too dangerous for my secret and leaving Enrique with her is a fucked-up mess for me.

We have to leave New York soon.

"If you don't mind, Enrique, shall I take your wife with me for a little chit-chat before you leave. It is hard anyway to befriend people, I might just take this chance to have a Reyes on my side." With her smile, even my husband couldn't get what else she hides under her claws. She is such a devious woman.

"No problem by me, but please hurry. I cannot have mi esposa gone away from me for too long."

"Aww... so cute." Asa winked at me and I blushed. Snatching me away from Enrique, she brought me to her cabin, where we sat on the sofa seats placed in the corner of the capacious room. Modern architecture and glamorous theme with a glass board and writing pen for it as a half-wiped code rested there.

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