13| Not Noticed Before

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"Ricky," I couldn't ever understand why she called me Ricky. I got a well-deserved name, Enrique. But her chubby cheeks were enough to have me spoil her more. That little smile was, after all, everything I wouldn't blame for turning me into a puddle of slime.

"Where is papa, princess?" When I asked, her beautiful water-like crystal orbs rolled. She did that every time, annoyed about something and currently, she was annoyed by me.

"Okay, why won't this little beautiful princess tell me where her king is so this prince can ask something important from him?" I cajoled her with my words somehow to tell me, her papa was in the study.

"Thanks, beautiful."

"You don't play with me ever, Enrique. Why?" She hallowed her cheeks, sternly looking down at me with those mesmerizing grey orbs, and then the darkest of water clouds sheds the tear I hate to see in her eyes.

"You have fun with Valentina, but you never come to play with me. Dante even gives me time. What about you Enrique? You're a bad Ricky!!!" She stomped her feet on the ground and stormed away before I could even say a word further. I'm not great at cooing a 13-year-old, but this little spoilt fireball is very much what I cannot give up on.

Oh god!!

I had some serious talk to do with uncle Santino about a merger for the next project. After all, Santino De Leon is the investment mogul, and I too followed his steps, and so do his friends, i.e., my father and Valentina's father did. And now, instead of talking to him about shares and mergers, my priority becomes his princess, whom I need to look out for. Damn it.

"Roma, have you seen Rosa?" I asked a maid who was dusting the pots by the side table. She respectfully gave me a nod before replying, "she walked to the balcony maybe, sir. I'm not sure enough. I was busy."

"Okay, thank you." With that, I walked to the open area, towards the swimming pool to look up at the balcony, hoping to find her there.

Removing my suit coat, I rolled my sleeves up to my biceps, my specs discarded with the coat over the lounge chair as well, while I searched around for her with my vision.

I found her; she was sulking alone and maybe cursing me in her tiny brain. Her big fat tears rolled down her cheeks, and her eyes were open lost, daydreaming without sight in them. I huffed a breath, smirking and adoring the sight. She looked cute.

"Rosa-" my voice constricted in my throat as if someone plucked my tongue out and vacuumed the air from my lungs. I saw Valentina behind her. Rosa was so lost that she didn't see her coming and, in a nanosecond, it all happened before I realized what went wrong.

She just didn't give her a sudden scare, but she fucking pushed her down from the balcony.

"Ahhhh!!!" Rosa shouted, falling from a good height into the pool. Everyone came out of the mansion hearing her sharp scream as if my entire world turned upside down. Rosa hit the bottom of the pool from the fall. The water was shallow today due to the mansion undergoing its monthly thorough cleaning.

My heavy feet hurried towards the pool. I jumped inside and swam to the bottom, finding her unconscious mid-way. Panicking, I held her small frame close to my chest and pushed myself towards the surface, swimming to the edge from where, Santino came into my view, overtaking Rosa from me. He didn't wait another second before rushing towards the driveway with his daughter in his arms. While I saw red. Pure wrath and anger.

Man And Wife| 18+Where stories live. Discover now