28| He Was My Heart

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"Morning, Esposo. How was your night?" I asked Enrique who roamed in the kitchen, toasting bread and plating fruits and cheese for the kids and us for breakfast. It has been two weeks now since we returned to Barcelona, Spain. And everyone was pretty tired to go back to their normal routines this morning so today we all decided to spend some homey time together.

Esmeralda already took Andrea back to Italy with her but Dante still did not return from his trip to Seville, considering even Valentina was there, no surprise that he must be full with both of his hands.

"Morning, mi esposa. Oh, much I love seeing my beloved's energetic face each morning." He whispered kissing my cheeks, and I elbowed him lightly when he bit my earlobe. All his breakfast preparation was forgotten as he came behind me while I started brewing some coffee.

"Ricky, stop it. Kids will see," I whispered back to him when he slowly rubbed his morning wood against my ass while wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Unwanted series of moans left my lips, which I had to bite with my lips but it was pure torture.

He slipped his hands inside the cotton shirt I was wearing. Grabbing my bare breasts as I did not bother wearing a bra because of my time to be spent at home and no outings planned as such.

His other hand cupping my jaws, turned my face around, bringing his lips down on mine and sealing me in a hot kiss. My eyes fluttered close as I returned the favor, moaning into his mouth when he pinched my nipple and increased the friction of his dick on my ass with the fabric to be the only separation.

A loud clearing of the throat made us fly away from each other, that's when I noticed a not so shocked Luca standing by the kitchen door and burning holes in my head. While my face was red like a tomato, I was scared that finally, the time comes that I have to tell him the truth about my marriage. I never wanted it to happen like this but, the most dreaded came by.

"Luca, you?" I gasped as Nolan trotted to his side from behind. Held onto his hand instantly and gained his attention.

"Tio, I got lots of pwesents for you." Luca ignoring me crouched down to pick Nolan in his arms, as he stood back on his feet with him, he ruffled his nephew's hair and kissed his cheeks, giving him a huge grin.

"Oh really, I so never thought I get to have gifts from Santa Nolan." He chuckled kissing his cheeks again, and they shared a sweet talk before Luca let Nolan go and play with Flora while his gaze diverted back at me and Enrique who now stood by my side, possessively wrapping his arms around my waist while heatedly looking at Luca too.

"Estrella, and Mr. Reyes, we need to talk. Now." I could feel the disgust in his voice and that hurts because he is my friend.

I gulped looking at the pair of beautiful orbs of Enrique that roared with swirling emotions. Only if could I tell him, I don't know what he should expect from me at this moment.

Handing over the breakfast preparation to the maids, Enrique called to replace us in the kitchen, we walked to go to the living room where Luca was waiting for us.

"Why are you so scared, amor? He isn't Tio Santino that you have to be scared of his acceptance or rejection." Enrique entwined my hands with him and I couldn't stop the sweat prevailing.

"Luca matters to me a lot, Enrique. When I fell, he held onto me, not picking me up but waiting by my side until I learn to get up myself. When I was alone in this new city, that brat made me feel at home the moment we met. I can do anything for him, Enrique. You will never understand it." Releasing his grasp from mine, I clasped my hands together with anxiety as we reached closer to the opulent doors that waited for me.

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