Chapter 30: Last Stretch

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The "Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


Enma's POV

"This is not going well," I told myself before I conjured two huge hands made out of magicka essence and slapped away the tentacles that attacked me.

Earlier, after I unlocked the chains locking down my magicka essence. Kraken was pissed off and started to wantonly attack everyone.

At first, the others were able to hold on quite well. Suisei was swinging her Axecutioner around as her magicka spells wouldn't work much in this situation.

Beside her, A-chan took place and helped lighten up the load from the onslaught of tentacles and magicka beams. The greatsword in her hand became a hurricane of deadly slashes as nothing could enter the few meters surrounding her.

She made it look so easy to wield such a heavy sword, it's like a kid wielding a thin stick.

Behind her, Shion took place and constantly assisted everyone with her witchcraft and spells. Most of the time, I saw her holding the urge to dash towards the front and fight head-on

Shion was not a typical witch you will see in fairy tales and the like. No, she likes it up close and personal.

Her combat prowess was something to marvel at, but at the same time be confused at.

Often I questioned myself if somehow she chose the wrong profession. She fights more like a brawler than a witch.

Temma was with Ollie and they were further upfront alongside Oga to support the guardian of Eldefein since he lacks offensive capabilities compared to the other Royal Knights.

Temma was blasting out rays upon rays of sword flashes while Ollie was laughing maniacally as she traded injury for injury. Although, it matters not since she was a zombie in the first place.

It's really surprising to see two sides of the same coin fighting alongside each other as I looked at both Temma and Ollie, both with wide smiles on their faces.

Temma was a knight apprentice who was recently promoted to a Paladin if I'm not wrong. Although that was a few years ago.

One would think that he would abhor fighting alongside an undead like Ollie but here they were. Comrades and trusting each other's back.

With that in mind, my thoughts went to Reine, the so-called Knight Princess of Eldefein. I'm not gonna lie and say that I find her pleasing to the eye cause for me she was not.

I loathe nobles and royalty with my entire being and everyone who knew made sure to keep their distance but the royalty in Eldefein took that as a challenge.

More often than not, rumors about myself being an evil wizard surface without rhyme or reason at all. Most of the evidence suggests the making of the elders of Eldefein's royalty behind those rumors.

However, I could tell that Reine, the Knight Princess, was different from them.

Now was not the time for those thoughts, however, as Kraken continued to harass us from afar with his tentacles and magicka beams.

The only one who found this situation amusing and entertaining was the mad rabbit girl that I was rather fond of, who was having the time of her life decimating anything that came her way.

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