who won?

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Heyya guys! Stumbled back onto Wattpad and thought I'd randomly add another one. Hope you like it!

It was 5:16 in the evening, Tony was in his lab working, Steve was training, Bucky and Sam were arguing, Nat was reading and Clint was...somewhere. It had been such a peaceful afternoon despite the odd dispute. In fact, it had been so peaceful, they knew something was up. Something was going to happen, only they couldn't put their finger on it.

"Hey, has anyone seen Pete since he got back from school?" The assassin questioned, trying to figure out where this unsettling feeling came from.

Sam looked over shaking his head.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Clint either" Sam had pointed out. If neither of those two where here, that ment they must be together. That can't be good. Out of curiosity the group decided to try and find them, whoever found them first would win the prize of getting out of doing the dishes.

After 20 minuets of searching, Bucky heard something. It sounded like yelling. It sounded like it was coming from outside. What Bucky saw, will continue to amuse him for the rest of his days.

"FRIDAY tell the guys I found them"

He opens the door to outside. Where a scene of about 10-20 ducks behind both Peter and Clint stood in the middle of the field. However on Clint's side, there were 3 extra geese.

"1 GOOSE DOES NOT EQUATE TO 3 DUCKS!!" Peter exclaims.

"YOU'RE ONLY SAYING THAT CAUSE YOU LOST!" Clint barks right back.

Then they both spot Bucky looking ever so confused and amazed.

"BUCKY" They both yelled in unison.

"TELL HIM I WON!" They both once again yelled.

"OMG, WHY ARE THERE DUCKS HERE!?" Tony had yelled from the door, it seems FRIDAY had called him considering the whole group where now watching the scene play out.

"Well, it started when we were talking about how cute baby ducks where. Clint then said that ducks are free if you get them from the park, but he then said it would be very difficult to catch one. So then I said that it wouldn't be that hard. So then HE had the idea to see who could get the most ducks. I have 17 where as he has 13, BUT he also got 3 geese of which he says are equal to 3 ducks. Meaning he wins. EVENTHOUGH HE DOSENT!" Peter very quickly explained.

"But if the objective was to catch Ducks, not geese dosent that mean Peter wins?" Sam asks.

"THANK YOU!" Peter shouts, flailing his arms around.

"But catching those were harder! Meaning they are 3 duck points each! I win!" Clint very desperately tries to explain his case.

"Why are we discussing the logistics of this-  PUT THE DUCKS BACK" Tony commands to the both of them. Normally he wouldn't mind a bit of chaos, he just didn't want any duck filth in the compound.

After a defeated "fiiinnnneee" from the boys, 3 hours later all the ducks, and geese had been taken back.

The next day the team had concluded that  Peter did in fact win, and so Clint had to dye his hair neon green, and keep it that colour for a week. Oh how he had wished he hadn't thought of that stupid bet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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