Picked the wrong time

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A faint glow of luminescent orange shimerd from the street. Fire. Firetrucks spread past down the road, Peter unstuck himself and attached a web to a roof top, swinging towards the danger.

Upon arrival, his heightened hearing found out there was two people trapped  in a burning building. Reporters were everywhere, documenting everything. That might be a problem.

He headed towards a window and jumped in through the flames.

"Anyone here, its Spidey!" Peter called out through the smoke and burning flames. Fire was never good for his sense. He heard a faint sound of someone from a pile of rubble. He made he way to it, stepping over flaming piles of wreckage.

"Aa" he sounded as burning hot dust fell onto his shoulder, brushing it off. He continued towards the sound and appeared at the flames.

The pillers on top of the person was red hot. Peter sucked in sharp breathe, careful not to suck in too much smoke. Place his hands under the rubble and lifted it. He let out a shout of pain as his hands were severely burning. The man crawled out from underneath and Peter set it down. Breathing heavily now. He turns to the man.

"Cover your nose and mouth! " He instructed over the sound of flames. The man did as told. He was lifted to Peter's side. The smoke had begun to seep through his mask. Not good. Peter helped the man over to the window, looking down to see a large sheet prepared to catch him.

"Ready?" He asked. The man nodded, and was lifted to the air.

"Safe travels" Peter said to him before letting go. Of course the sheet caught the man.

"Spiderman, the building's about to collapse! Get out!" A fireman shouted towards him, worry evident for the nieghbour hood Spider.

"No way, there's still someone in here!" He shouted back, turning to look for the next.

After searching that floor he headed to the next one was worse. It was painful. Smoke was being trapped in the fabrics of his mask. He looked around again and saw someone lying down on the floor, unconscious. Peter grabbed hold of the child and dragged her to the stairs, it was too high to jump here, the sheet wouldn't do anything. Once reaching the floor the roof began to shake. Large objects began to fall. Burning bricks continuously hit Peters back, causing tremendous pain. He ran to the window, holding the child out the window and dropper her. She was caught in the sheet, medics attended to her. Just as Peter was about to swing off, the roof collapsed onto him, he lifted his hands in order to keep it up, screaming out in agony. Using his full strength he lifted it off of him and jumped. He was nolonger in the building. But falling. Quickly he stuck his web to a wall, slowly coming down.

"Is everyone ok" He asked, everyone was shocked at the sight of such a broken spiderman.

"Yes, thank you Spiderman" one had replied. The reporters began asking questions, taking pictures of him. Peter shook his head and swung off. He was so close to the tower, he just had to get over the lake,  but of course, his web fluid ran out. He fell straight into the lake. He sank a little but swam back up. With his lungs filled with smoke it was hard to breathe, making the teen panic tremendously. But he couldn't take off his mask either, despite it suffocating him. There was helicopters, from the reporters trying to get more info. He couldn't risk his identity, but he didn't want to die either. He began to see black spots in his vision.

"KAREN?" He asked, unsure if she still worked.

"Y:-e:*'-s:*-" KAREN hardly replied.

"Get Tony" He finally breathed, before passing out in the lake.

Tony's POV

The meeting was going nowhere, the rogues (ex-Avengers) had come to discuss a few matters. The room was slightly quiet, but FRIDAY interrupted whatever was happening.

"Boss, Spidey's off the web" His voice rang out through the room. This was a code we used whenever someone was here, but it also told me that Pete was in serious danger. I quickly got up, ignoring Steve's look.

"Tony you can't just leave!" Steve shouted. If Peter was in trouble, no one would get in my way to help him. So I turned and glared.

"Don't" I seethed. Then suited up and told FRIDAY to tell me where he was. Not expecting to hear he was in a lake unconscious. Once at the lake I dived in and pulled him up, noticing the destroyed suit. I flew as fast as possible to the tower, through a window, and placed him on the ground where he shot up and splattered out some, grey liquid.

"Kid what the hell happened!?" I asked worried for him. He ripped off his suit so he was only in his boxers. I could see all the bruises, all the burns. After a full 2 minutes of Peter coughing and getting whatever the hell was in his system out, he spoke.

"There was a fire, two people. Got hurt bad. Came back. No fluid. Fell in lake. Couldn't take mask off. Reporters" the kid explained. I nodded. The kids eyes suddenly became wide. I followed them to behind me.

"I-im so sorry Mr Stark, I didn't mean to interrupt" he spluttered out. He shakely got up but I stopped him.

"Kid, no. Come here" I told him, pulling him close and to the floor, stroking my fingers through his hair.

"I'll explain later, right now, you rest" I told him. Being content with him in my arms.

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