Another year, another wish

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(In which the Avengers don't know his identity and are trying to get him to join the team)

Bye the way, I have a bad of habit of missing out either words or letters...... Sowwy

Laughter, it was heard all around.
Joy, it was felt on every street.
Love, it was in everyone's eyes.

He scoffed at it. It made his stomach turn. The were happy and warm. While he was lonely and cold. On Christmas eve no less.

May had passed a few months ago due to a heart attack, he'd been on the streets ever since. He no longer had any family left, it was just him. To make things worse, the Avengers had been battling him, though, he didn't know why, they never told him.

He was sat on top of a skyscraper, cross legged. Looking down on the happiness the world wouldn't let him have. He sighed. Looking up he silently did something he hadn't done a while.

"Dear Lord

I know I've asked this every year for 10 years. And I know you can't make it happen. But I want to at least try again. And I know the list seems to be getting longer.

But I don't want a brand new toy.
I don't want an outfit from newest clothing line.
I don't want any consoles.
I don't want the brand new phone.

What I wa.... What I need is my family back
That's all I want for Christmas"

Peter was fully sobbing by this point. Picking his knees up and hugging them tightly to his chest.

Then he heard something. Strong but yet soft steps came from behind him. He swerved around and stood up, looking straight at Captain America. He had his shield up and ready for another fight.

"Please, just.... Let me have tonight off" Peter begged, tears still coming out from his eyes. Steve opended his mouth to speak was cut off.

"I don't even know why you keep attacking me. I just wanna help people. Why won't you let me help?" He pleaded. All the stress and sadness seemed to be leaking out of him.


Steve dropped his shield and help a strange look on his face.

"You don't even know why?" He asked, dumbfouned by the team's own stupidity. When he nodded Steve sighed.

"God, I'm so sorry, we've been so hard on you for nothing. We want you to join the Avengers. Tell us your name and things like that" He explained, looking guilty at the spider.

Peter huffed in amusement, they just wanted him on the team. Plus he didn't have any family anymore to worry about getting hurt anymore, he might as well just tell them.

"Only, if my identity doesn't get leaked to the public. You should of just asked. I would've talked about it" he said crossing his arms.

Steve stood, yet agian shocked. All it took, was to ask. He nodded. Agreeing to the terms.

"Besides... Its not like I have a family to protect anymore" He mubbled, recieving a look of saddness from Steve.

Peter reached up to his mask and took it off. The tears still leaving his eyes. Steve gasped at the sight. He was only a kid. Before Peter knew it he was incased in big super solider hug. The longing for human contact made him open even more. He cried even more.

Steve whispered into his ear.

"I can't bring your family back...but I can take you to a new one" he told him. Feeling the nodding of Peter's head, they decided to head down to the tower.

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