I am there 1.2

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With Peter
It had been a week since he had dropped his suit off at the compound roof. Every now and then he would spot his Dad flying over Queens trying to find him, along with Sam, vision and occasionally Rhodey if he wasn't on a mission. Despite their efforts to look for him, Peter always made sure to hide. Then once they were gone he headed to the roof of a building he now had to call home, it was only a few blocks away from the compound, so if there was a mission he was there secretly trying to protect a family he thought he was a burden, He used his old suit so no one would know it was him.
Once he had finished his patrol consisting of 3 bank robberies and 4, muggings he headed to his roof. And decided to sleep early but still kept an ear out for them.
With Avengers
They were all eating dinner in the kitchen which had an added on dinning room. No one spoke. No one was happy. Only the news was heard in the back ground. Everyone perked up at the sound of a familiar name.

"Spider-man was at it again tonight, stopping bank robberies and muggings, however many are still confused as to the many sightings of some of the Avengers scanning the area of Queens, or perhaps they started do take on patrols now" The news lady said as an image of Tony and Sam came up flying over the buildings. Bucky sighed turning our attention to him.

"He's noticed the timing of when we start the search and when we finish, that's why he appears after you guys are done" He stated, almost as if it was obvious, it was still a surprise to everyone on how much cared for Peter but his words sprung a plan Steve's mind.
"What if go out later and at irregular times?" He asked looking to Tony and Sam as they were the main ones who searched. Tony nodded and continued on eating. Ever since Peter left he's been distant, ever can't shake the look in sons eyes as he yelled at him, he can't seem to forget what he said which fueled for his son to leave. The silence was soon disrupted why a hologram from Fury.

"You got a mission, big guy in an alien built suit only 5 miles away, get to it ladies". Just like the hologram disappeared. The message was met with many sighs and grunts but they got up and suited up, heading towards their destination.
With Peter
It just so happens that Peter knew it was mission and silently followed behind the Avengers. He had to be careful, if they he was there they'd panic about him and end up getting hurt. Not all Avengers went, Vision, Bruce, Clint, Nat and Thor stayed.
Upon arriving he saw what the deal was, a guy in an alien like suit with weapons made also from alien tech. His Dad shot his repulsers at it, Cap throwing his shield in hope of knocking off one of the guns. Bucky was trying to rip apart the metal that held the suit together, others were busy dodging alien shots. Then, his Dad was hit, cashing his suit stop and start, which made him go in and of consciousness as he hit the ground a little too hard. Then Cap, distracted by his Dad was shot, also causing him to go unconscious. The rest was then hit only leaving Sam and Bucky still in the fight, this is why Peter came, incase this happens. Just as the man in the alien suit fired an alien blast at Bucky, Peter had picked up Cap's shield and ran infront of Bucky using the shield to block the blast. Peter moved forwards to the man in the suit, still using the shield as protection since he was focused on shooting him and not Bucky or Sam. Using his webs he flung to the suits shoulders where the guns were and hit them off, doing this to all his guns. Once done he jumped off making a back landing inbetween Sam and Bucky, both lost for words, Eventhough he was wearing his old suit they knew it was him. He shot a web towards the middle of suit and flew with it towards the suit, knocking it over. He looked towards Bucky, pointing to his metal arm and then at the place the man was in. Understanding, Bucky punched where he was told and pulled the man out of the hole, Peter tied him up with webs. He was about to leave when was stopped his tracks. He was being pulled back, he was forcefully turned and he mask pulled off. Surprisingly he was pulled into a hug by Bucky.
"I've missed you lil bro" he silently whispered.
"So have I" Peter responded, Sam was shocked at the sight before him and was frozen still.
"Then come home, please" Bucky pleaded, wanting the one he though of as a little brother to come home.
"I can't" he replied.
"Is it because of what Tony said cau-" Bucky was cut off.
"I am a burden to you all, I only cause more work" Peter responded, Bucky pulled away from the hug and shook his head him disagreement.
"That is all wrong, we miss you, Tony misses you, I miss you, we want you to come home, you are not a burden, you are family" Bucky pleaded, it would be lie to say Peter wasn't thinking about going home until he remembered.
"i will always be there brother, I am always, I am always watching, how eles do you think I knew about the mission, I was behind you guys incase you needed me, I am a burden to you all, Tony's drinking became worse when I arrived, people have been losing sleep from when I arrived, its better for me not to go" Peter explained.
"Only because we care Peter" Bucky claimed.
"Family comes first Bucky, If i have to leave to maintain my families health I will" Peter said, looking directly at Bucky so he knew he wasn't joking, before he could say anything eles, Peter told him get the rest back to the tower and swung away, but of course not too far.
"You said your there if I need you, well I do need, your like little brother!" Bucky shouted in his direction. Peter gave him look that said he stood by words. And left.
Bucky punched the floor in anger for not getting him to stay.
"Come on, let's get these guys medical treatment" Sam said, breaking the tension, he called S.H.E.I.L.D to get the guy who still unconscious. The quinjet arrived and they helped get the team onto the aircraft.
Once everyone was awake (a day later)
All the Avengers were sat in the main room, some on the sofa, some standing. No one knew what happen during the fight while they unconscious. Bucky didn't speak and told Sam not to say anything.
"I got it!" Tony beamed, as jumped from a chair.
"FRIDAY can you get any footage from my suit about the fight" Tony askes his AI, everyone started looking hopeful, cause from their point of view they went from fighting to laying in medical bed
"Yes, sir, should I play it?" The AI answered.
"Yes" Tony commanded. The footage played, then the moment they had been wondering, spiderman came I to view, they saw them fight, and they saw him speak to Bucky, but they couldn't understand what was being said, they all towards Bucky.
"You spoke to Peter!?" Tony yelled, others thinking the same question. Bucky just nodded.
"What did he say, what did you say!?" Nat asked.
"Did he say he was going to come home?!" Cap asked.
"Why won't he come home, and you two are close?!" Clint also asked.
Bucky took a deep long breathe.
"He said he was just a burden to everyone and only created more work, I told him he wasn't and and to cone home, I also told him we all missed him, he misses us too be he said that ever since he came to live here Tony's drinking got worse and everyone's sleep patterns were disturbed" Bucky finished, they all looked shocked.
"He said hes watching, from behind, that's how he knew about the mission, he is watching over us, possibly right now, he's staying out because and I quote 'family comes first, if I have to leave to maintain my families health, I will'" Bucky finished. Everyone now looked sympathetic, he was gone because he cared. But then Clint spoke up, drawing attention to a question many have been asking.
"You didn't answer my question Bucky" Clint stated. "How are you two so close?" he finished.
"Because we think of eachother as brothers, he's like a little brother to me, and I'm like a big brother to him" Bucky explained.
"This is ironic" Steve said under his breathe, everyone looked at him.
"Pete, said 'family comes first' referring to health, yet he's destroying his own health to make us happy, I am the only one who noticed he's gotten a little skinnier" Steve stated, this made them worry more, he isn't here, therefore he won't be able to get decent meals, he had no roof over his head, he was on the streets, he wouldn't be sleeping if he was watching over them.
"Wait didn't you say hes watching over us, how?" Nat asked.
"By the way he made it sound, he's probably on a roof right now looking at us" Bucky replied. This made them smile.
"So he's close!" All the Avengers sounded, he may have started as an intern here, but now he was family. Tony called his suit and everyone suited up, Tony scanned the near buildings, to his surprise he saw Peter on roof laying down, he probably fell asleep. He called the Avengers and soon enough all were on the roof.
Peters view
My senses were going crazy, I shot up looking around, the Avengers were behind me, looking at me.
"Sorry Pete, we just want you home" Bucky apologized.
"You said you wanted help us with our health, what about yours?" Tony asked.
"Your health is more important than mine" Peter mumbled. He really did just want to protect them.
"So is yours Pete"Tony replied.
"I am so sorry, Pete, for the words I said. I didn't mean any other them, I was angry at an event that happens before, even in that argument with Pep I said things I shouldn't of, I am sorry Peter" Tony apologized, tear threatening to fall, but for Peter they already were, he wanted so badly to run to his father and hug him, but he couldnt, his health was important.
"I'm sorry dad, you became unhealthy because of me, you started to drink more, because of me, everyone lost sleep because me and idiotic actions" Peter yelled, he was doing this for them, why did they hate him for it, it was for them.
"I've always drank kid, and sleep, can always be brought back" Tony said.
"Please Pete, come home" Nat pleaded. Peter shook his head.
"I love you too much to do that" Peter said as he swung away, dispite their protests and shouts. He was even followed by his dad, he could the sound of his suit above him.
"Peter please!" Tony yelled landing infront of him, nearly causing Peter to run into him, Tony came of his suit and pulled Peter into hug.
"Come home!.... Please"Tony pleaded and he held on tight to his son. But Peter pulled him away.
"I can't dad, just know... " Peter began and walked to the edge.
"I love you" Peter finished and swung away, this time leaving a sad Tony alone on a roof. Peter loved his dad, he really did, so he must leave, to help him.

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