Sunshine 4.1

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Short, cute, sad.

(Aunt may died two weeks ago but Peter hasn't told anyone, he's been living on the streets till now, Ned is away)

It had been a long day, school was boring and the constant chatter of many students driving him insane. Flash was more infuriating, him and his jocks kept on mocking him for how no one will ever love him, that he didn't desever love. If only they knew.

The group finished the verbal bullying, and started with physical. Hits went to his stomach breaking one or two ribs which echoed through out the corridor. Blows to head and hides.

Laughing the group walked away leaving a bruised and bloodied Peter, but Peter didn't care anymore. He got up and made his way out of school, since the bell had gone a few minutes earlier. Step by step he went down the stairs, he spotted a black Audi in the parking lot. He had forgotten he was going to the tower tonight. He had been going at least three times a week.

He climbed into the back seat keeping his head down so not to draw attention to his bruised face. Happy looked back with confusion and slight concern, not being used to the quiet teenager.

After a seemingly long drive they arrived at the tower. Peter got out the car and left without a word to Happy. Upon arriving at the elevator he asked FRIDAY to take him up to the living space. The elevator moved and in 10 seconds he was there. When he stepped out the elevator he noticed the avengers in the kitchen\main room.
Steve was in the kitchen making dinner, Bucky and Wanda sat the table. Clint and Sam were in the main room on the floor in front of the TV playing games competitively. Nat and Bruce were reading on the couch with Tony opposite on his phone. When FRIDAY announced his presence half the team looked his way, Clint and Sam were far too into there game to look away.

"Hey kid, how was school" Tony asked getting up and making his way over to Peter, who still had his head down. They didn't know about May.

"It was fine" Peter mumbled, not making eye contact. More of the team looked his way now, slightly concerned as their talkative teen was now no stly silent. With no one eles talking he decided to speak.

"Can I got to my room" Peter asked quietly, he was about to break and could see himself crying any second. Tony began to worry.

"Pete, are you ok?" Tony asked, placing a hand on the teenager's shoulder. Peter, feeling the tears appearing, pushed Tony's hand away and walked up to his room muttering a silent 'I'm fine'.

He ran to his room shutting the door rather quickly to not notice it was still slightly open. He sat on his bed curled up and sobbed his little heart out. The two weeks on the street were not easy, he hadn't eaten in threw days, his body was swore from the beating Flash gave him. He had been running from child protection services, which wanted to put him in the system, he didn't want to go. Neither Ned nor MJ were at school for the present time, so he was alone then. What made it worse was that he no longer got big bear hugs May used to give. He no longer felt the warm feeling he got when May comforted him. He missed her sweet, soft, lilac voice that could make anyone smile.

Just the memory of her made him cry more. Wrapping his arms around himself in an effort to comfort himself. He sat up, still feeling the transparent liquid emotion slide down his joyless face. He did the only thing that used to help. He sang.

"You are my sunshine"
'I miss you May'
"My only sunshine"
'You were the only one I had left'
"You made me happy, when skies were gray"
'You brought the light into my life'
"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you"
'I wish I could tell you I love you one more time'
"How could you take, my sunshine away"
She was gone now. Peter was sobbing lakes from his tears, feeling that his heart was cold without the warmth from his Aunt. The tears didn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

His breath quickend, and the extent of the panic attack worsend.

Part 2?! Comment if you want it! XD

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