Words speak louder than actions 1.1

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In the lab with Tony
Tony had pulled one his all-nighters again, much yo Pepper's disliking. Its bad for his health and she couldn't hold in any longer. Stomping out of the elevator she made her way to the distracted, working Tony. Then yelled.

"Your still down here!?". Tony turned his head quickly to face his angry Fiancee.
"Yup, just working on some stuff" he replied, oblivious to her rage.
"Have you slept!?" Shouting down Tony's ear, making him jump at the sudden noise.
"Come on, Pep, I thought you were used to me this, plus I've almost finished on working o-" he was cut off by Pepper, stopping him before continuing the ramble. "You need to stop this Tony, its not good for your health" her voice going higher with word.
"I've been doing this for years! I'm fine!" He argued back. Then Pepper shot back again,
"No your not, you've begun to passout, during breakfast, when your here, sometimes in meetings, I don't know how they don't see it!!" She bellowed back at him.
"I'm still alive aren't I!?" Tony shouted, he soon found out they were the wrong words, as he saw the pure anger on her face.
"What about Peter?!... He needs his dad!" She sounded angry, but only with the slight realization that she had just used her son, to win an argument, yet she just pushed past it.
"He'll be fine! Besides its not like he's not used to having no father figure around!" Tony's face was fueled with anger, again oblivious to his actions. His words caught Pepper off guard, how could he say that about his son, about a fifteen year old who's already been through too much, the loss of mother and father, his uncle and now his aunt.
Shaking her head in disgust she turned on her heal and left but before the doors closed she said something she shouldn't of.
"What kind of father would say that about his son?" Then the doors closed, but her words did not calm Tony down, he was tired, that's what made the anger worse. Slamming his fist down on his desk and throwing an empty cup of coffee, his AI spoke.
"Sir, you are being called for a meeting" the AI sounded. He was not in the mood to do a mission right now, therefore it fueled his anger more.
Upstairs with Peter
It was times like this he wished he didn't have super senses, he heard everything that they were saying, if they were speaking and not shouting, he wouldn't have heard, but he did.

Dad said that, why would he say that, dose he hate me now, will they brake up because of me, am I just a burden to them? So many thoughts shot through his mind, he would never admit it, but, since aunt May, he now had a delicate mind, this did not help.
"I would suggest calming down Peter, your heart rate is increasing, would you like me to call for help?" Peter's AI KAREN spoke, breaking his thoughts and bringing him back into reality.

"No KAREN its fine, thank you anyways" Peter mumbled.
"Also a meeting has been called" KAREN stated, Peter said his thanks and put his suit on underneath his clothes incase it was a mission, he ran out his room and down the hall, then down the stairs to find the Avengers sitting around a hologram of Fury, Fury explained the mission and got out his suit ready, he was just putting on his mask as someone spoke, I knew immediately who it was, a shiver went down my spine.
"Where do you think your going?" Asked his dad, voice still laced with anger.
"Mission" Peter said, pointing to where the hologram was. Tony shook his head in anoyyance.
"No, you stay here" Tony said in his stern voice, his 'this is final' voice.
"I can help Dad" Peter said, nearly pleading for him to let him go on this mission, he wished he hadn't, Tony had been keeping his anger locked in, but now it came out.
"No, you stay here, we don't need some immature kid messing everything up like he always does, you are such a burden, needy and unappreciative for everything I've done, you will only hold the team back!" Tony shouted, blinded by anger, without realization he was moving forward as he spoke, accidentally cornering the quivering boy, Peter had also got into his spider crouch and crawled backwards as he moved forwards, Peter was scared, he had never seen him this mad, while crouched he was trying to look down, as if to show his submission.
"Do you understand me, if you so much as put a foot out of this tower I will know" He shouted at the now intensely shaking teen. Peter nodded but kept trying to look down. Tony spun and Peter ran to his room.
"Not cool Tony" Steve said looking at his freind, disappointment in his voice. Tony rolled his eyes.
"Let's just go, FRIDAY tell me if leaves" Tony said to his AI not expecting for it to respond so fast.
"Mr, Parker has left"the AI called.
"What!?" Tony screamed, even more angry now.
"We'll find him later Tony, right now we have a job to do" Clint said, but not in his friendly way, in his, professional way. Tony nodded and they all headed out.
With Peter
He was swinging as fast as he could, trying to get his old apartment, that luckily was not sold yet. He arrived at his window, and opened it, climbing inside. Once the window was closed, he drew the certains and began to cry, he cried hard. Screaming at some points.
"He hates me, they all hate me, i-im a b-b-burden to them, a-all I d-do is m-mes-ss every-thing u-up" he whimpered. After an hour of crying he had remembered about all the trackers in his suit, and in his phone, he got up and started taking out all the trackers. But then it hit him, it would be better to just hand the suit back to his Da-Mr. Stark. But he wanted to write a note too. So he got a peice of paper and a pen, then started writing. He took off his shooters too and put on his old ones.
Swinging back to the tower, then he stopped, just a building in front as he saw his previous father looking furious and pacing.
"FRIDAY where is he!" He yelled at his AI, but as the AI spoke at a normal volume he couldn't hear its response but the team walked up to Tony, also furious.
"He's gone because you yelled at him!" Nat shouted at Tony. He looked back towards her both angry and confused. Seeing his reaction made her ten times as angry.
"FRIDAY play the footage" Nat ordered the AI, as she said footage of earlier replayed, everyone had different emotions while watching, disappointment, anger, sadness and worry. This made Peter confused, why are they worried, he was just a burden to them. Then only one emotion was visible, the screen had showed him backing up against the wall as Mr. Stark was walking towards him, they could all see his terror, they could see it in his eyes, he was petrified. Once it finished he saw his past father fall to the floor on his knees. All talking from there wasn't loud enough to be heard so he just sat there and waited.
In the tower
Tony on knees, thinking over all he has done. He had been so angry with what happened in the lab and with tiredness he hadn't realized what he was doing. The look on his son's face as he yelled at him, shattered his heart, it was though he was young 7 year old boy, his submissiveness also tore him, Peter had tried to show him he was sorry through his body language, but he had ignored it and continued to let his anger out on someone he could never be mad at.
"Tony, what happend before this" Steve asked, now worried for his friend.
"Me and Pep had an argument" Tony replied, now standing up.
"How loud was it?" Bucky asked.
"And what was said, because we all know Pete has good hearing" Bucky added, everyone looked at him shocked, he doesn't normally care about anyone other than Steve, despite being with the team for as long as he has.
"Rather loud actual-" Tony stopped mid sentence, worry on his face as he remembered what he had said in the lab, Peter must have heard. Everyone was looking at him, telling him to elaborate.
"I've done something bad, real bad, in the moment Pep said that the boy needed his father, ofcousre I had to go and say that its not like he wasn't used to growing up without a father figure" Tony sighed, then began talking to the AI, ignoring Bucky's death glare.
"FRIDAY can you track him?" Tony asked.
"Sorry sir, it appears all trackers have been disabled, including his phone" The AI sounded. Everyone's faces went blank. Including Tony's, without a word he turned and headed towards his bedroom and locked himself in.
With the avengers
Everyone was silent, Nat had tears in her eyes, including Wanda, Sam and Steve. Bucky was worried about Peter, he had some strange desire to protect him and comfort him, but how could he if Peter wasn't there.
"Wanda you'll be with me, Rhodey, Nat go to his friend Ned's house, Sam do a scan of the area, Bruce, vision, you'll be working Sam by doing a scan from the ground" everyone nodded in agreement with Captain and parted ways to do their tasks.
"Steve where are me and you going?" Wanda asked.
"To his old apartment, see if he's there or if he's been there, if so how long ago" he replied as they headed out and made their way to the apartment.
With Peter on the roof
Once they left, he had to duck behind behind a wall to avoid Sam, Vision and Bruce. He landed on the roof of the tower once he was sure they were gone, he looked down at his suit, memories of him and his dad working on it together, the time he was given this, the time he struggled without it, but mostly the good times. Tears once again ran down his face, he felt as though he had abandoned him, that he wasn't worthy of having a family, yet no matter how much it hurt him, he knew they would always be his family, nothing would change that. Because he loved them
He was pulled from his thoughts from the alarm, saying something was on the roof, he quickly slipped the note inside the suit, dropped it and swung away onto the roof he had previously hid on, then Sam appeared in the sky, flew to the roof. His face went blank as he saw his suit, Sam said something in the comms but was too far for him to hear. And they started appearing beneath the tower, Sam flew down and showed them, they fell to their knees, it pained Peter to see this, but it was for the best right, he then swung away, leaving them to their own devices.
With the avengers
"Without this, he isn't safe" Nat whispered.
Just then they all heard the noise of a familier sound, of a web being shot, they looked at one another. But were distracted as a piece of paper fell from the mask. They opened it, and read it allowed. They were all crying, except Bucky, there tears in his eyes, but he wasn't crying. They entered the tower and Steve spoke.
"I'll get Tony" then he left, he walked up the stairs and into the elevator, then he stopped at Tony's room. He knocked. But there was no answer, there was no movement. Up until he said,
"Peter dropped off his suit, that's what the alarm was, it was him on the roof" then he heard movement and the door unlocked.
"Where is it?" He asked, Steve motioned to the elevator and he ran to it. Once downstairs the team turned to him, sympathy on their faces, and handed the note and Tony read it.
The note
Hey, heres the suit back, figured I wouldn't need it anymore, I wanted to say that I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to put up with me, I'm sorry i caused so much trouble, and dad (dad being crossed out) Mr. Stark I'm sorry you had to adopt me, I know you werent looking for a kid and what you got was me, we both know I'm nothing, and most importantly, I'm sorry for being me, but hey you won't have to deal with me anymore, hope this makes you happier, also Mr. Stark, I know I'm used to not having a father figure but... It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
Your old family member\son...
Peter P.
End of note
Tony didn't realize he was now crying and on the floor, with his friends around him, comforting eachother, Tony's hands were shaking, he couldn't believe what he had done, particular words made things so much worse, how 'dad' was crossed out and replaced with 'Mr, Stark' how he signed it 'your old family member\son' and the last part of the message, 'i know I'm used to not having a father figure but... It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt'. All these things had such a large impact on Tony, he felt his heart being pulled apart. He lost his son. He lost his very soul. He lost his happiness all in one day.

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