Pain can't hide 4.2

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Heyya team, sorry I haven't uploaded in like 3000 years, school and home has been all over the place.
But there's part 2 of sunshine,

Tony's POV

"Sir, it appears that Peter is having a server panick attack" FRIDAY's voice called out.
I quickly got up from where I was sitting, making my way to Peter's room, which I gave him when he'd come round on weekends. The Avengers looked at eachother, with worry and concern for the teenager.

Once at his door, I noticed it was still slightly open, peaking through I saw him on his bed. His arms across his chest and on his shoulders, tears leaving his sorrow filled brown eyes. His breathes were uneven, his heart rate was quick, too quick.

Opening the door further and walking in, Peter didn't notice I was there. I kneeled down to his level and said his name.

"Peter?" I called, but he didn't respond, so I continued to say his name, until he finally looked up and saw me, seeing me made him panick more.

"Whoa, whoa, Pete, calm down, breathe in...... And out" I instructed, trying to calm him down. Even breathing in and out with him. It took a while, but he was eventually calm(er).

"What happend?" I asked gently, yeah, he was my intern, but hell, I loved the kid. He just shook his head and pushed his lips together.

"You can tell me Peter" I soothed, wanting to know what made him have such an attack.

"E-everything!" He stuttered, more tears came from his eyes.

"M-May is dead! I'm running from child protection services! I get b-bullied at school! I don't want to go into the system! I.. I lost the apartment! I'm living on the streets!" He shouted, I immediately brought him into a hug.

Rubbing his back, I allowed him to cry on me, I whispered sweet things into his ear. So much saddness and pain was already in his life, now this. Once he was all cried out, I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

"I, will adopt you, heck I already see you my son, you will be apart of this family, if its ok with you. I will speak to your school about the bully situation, you will live here, and not on the streets" I told him sternly but also softly, he sniffed again, eyes wide in shock.

Before I knew it, he was hugging me.

"Thank you............. Dad"

I know its short but..... Oof

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