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-This is a oneshot about 6 year old Peter being abandoned by May and Ben in an alley, though is eventually found by Tony.

No one's POV

The apartment walls vibrated to the sound of May and Ben Parker having a large argument. May had recently been fired from her job, placing more pressure on Ben's shoulders to keep their little family financially stable.

"We need to give him up!" Ben shouted towards May.
"Ever since he got here, we've been struggling to keep a roof over our heads!" He added onto his rant.

"I could never give him up, he's all I have left of my sister! He's practically a son to me! "May screetched back, trying her best to defend her 6 old nephew. Tears pricked at the sides of her eyes.

Ben immediately calmed down with a sigh, embracing May in his arms. "Think of it this way, he goes, or I do" He concluded.
May couldn't  believe what he said, but when she thought about it. That kid brought nothing but stress on our shoulders, Ben wasn't even related to Peter yet he helped with doing the little raising I did. How could I not have notice the strain he put on us. We had to get rid of him. He was worthless.

"Your right, he's brought nothing but stress, let's get rid of him" She answered.

Peter's POV

They were going to get rid of me. And take me somewhere eles. But...

I don't want to go anywhere eles, what if they're meanies. But... I don't wanna be a bad boy and cause trouble. So I'll go, for them. But first I need to write them a letter so the know that I've gone.

Pulling open a drawer with paper and crayons I wrote them a note, then opened the window, and went down the scary stairs next to it.

"Peter!, get back in here! " May called from my room door. Slowly I walked back to her, she saw the note and huffed.

"We are taking you, we want you as far away as possible, understand" She said, an angry expression across her face. I just nodded.

No ones POV

No time was wasted in getting Peter out the apartment. No clothes were packed, no food, nothing.  Peter was pushed into the back seat of there car. Ben and May got in, Ben being the driver, they needed to take him to a place far enough so he didn't stumble upon them.

1 hour later

The car stopped next to a nearby alley. "Right, get out" Ben instructed, without making the slightest glance towards Peter. He obliged and got out. Once out, they drove off, leaving a 6 year old on the street.

A month later

No ones POV

Peter wasn't doing very well, he hadn't left the alley in which he was abandoned. The only food he could get was either from dumpsters or one specific kind elderly looking man with glasses, he was very gentle towards Peter, he never asked for anything, though when Peter asked his name he replied with 'call me Stan'.

Recently Peter had found two new 'friends'. With him being on his own he found a friend in the moon, called him 'the man in the moon'. He hoped that what he said to his new friend, he'd pass it on to his parents, spending hours on end talking to it. Yet nothing brought him more comfort than a dirty old teddy bear, he called him Bear, and hugged him every night while he dreamt of heroes.

However, for the past few days he hadn't eaten at all, Stan hadn't stopped by for around 4-5 days, dramatically lowering his food intake.

One night as he was about to close his eyes, he saw a shadow flying by, Peter watched as the mam shaped shadow fly around, eventually landing on the other side of the street, becoming more of a physical being, it lifted his arm and alarmingly looked around,
"Who's out there!? " He shouted. Scaring Peter into accidentally bumping into the dumpster, resulting in a 'bang'. The figure pointed at him, it seemed as tho his hand was.... Glowing.

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