Webbed together

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Today had been a bad day for Peter. He didn't get back from patrol till 5:30am, by that time he had to get ready for school. Meaning he didn't have time to do his homework which was due today. While getting dressed, he was attacked by glitter bomb (a present from Clint) so he had to take a shower.

Since he was now late, the teenager had to skip breakfast (the most important meal of the day, as Steve says).
Happy was sick so he had to walk, and of course it started raining.

Once he was finally at school (40mins late). The teacher gave him detention for not doing homework. Flash was an even bigger jerk, getting in some punches and kicks leaving him with a broken nose and bruises everywhere.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Ned was sick and Mj was visiting family.

By lunch he was hungry, tired and hurt. Flash took his lunch money so no food then.

Once finally back at home (through walking in the rain) Peter walked through the elevator and went straight to his room to clean himself.

With the Avengers

"Is Pete ok?" Nat asked from one of the living room couches.

"He's probably had a bad day" Clint shrugged from his spot on the floor infront of the TV.

"He's an hour late" Steve stated. Everyone began to worry for their little Spider.

Just as that was said little steps were heard from the corridor. Pete came out in his PJs, trudging over to the couch keeping his head down. He sat on the couch, rotated And lay down right next to Nat. She placed a hand on his back comfortingly.

"What happend?" She asked in calm and low voice the team didn't know she had.

After explaining and a few tears from the shivering teen, the entire team was around listening.

Steve left and went to get Pete a blanket and made him a hot chocolate. Once drank the tears were slowing down.

"It'll be ok, its ok" Nat assures as she played with his hair. Peter eventually fell asleep in the comfort of his family with a smile on his face.

After that, Tony arranged to speak with Flash's parents. To say they were surprised to see the very angry is an understatement.

And Clint was made to wash the dishes for a month.

Sometimes we just need someone to say that it'll be ok. Its small, but goes a long way.


Heyya guys, the SBPS is looking for recruits!



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