Neverland part 2

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I would just like to say thank you, to everyone, I never thought anything that I would write, would ever get as much attention as it has. Over 35k readers?? I mean seriously?! Where do I even begin to describe my gratitude! You may be strangers but you all mean so much to me.

I would also like to apologise for my non existent activity, I just didn't have any motivation to do anything for a while. Thank you all for being do patient. xx

(Pic is not mine)

This is 3 months after taking Peter in.

No ones POV

Peter was sleeping on the couch in the common room, with his head resting on Pepper's lap, and feet on Tony's. The couple were watching a movie, content in the moment.

"You know something Tony, this is the best decision we've ever made" Pepper spoke, looking down upon Peter, stroking his hair. Tony nodded and hummed in agreement.

Peter had brought wonder to their lives, even with Helping Tony get over problems with Steve.

It had gotten late and it was time for everyone to go to bed. Pepper held Peter while Tony turned the TV off. They turned to the stairs and took their little guy to his room, which had recently been done, it was right next to the Couples room incase something were to happen and Peter needed them.

Once Peter was placed in his bed and tucked up he sturred awake.

"Hey Pete, sleep well kid, love you" Tony told him, ruffling his hair slightly, then turning to leave.

"Night mum 'n' dad, love you too" Peter responded.

The couple exited the room, shutting the door behind them and embraced each other. For the little family they had both wished for had finally arrived.

(Time skip to when Peter is 17)

Peter was doing very well for his age. He was smart, and the kindest young man you could ever meet. Due to his intelligence he had been able to secure a job with his Dad, helping and even creating new technology, becoming just as famous and successful as his Dad, he was known to all technological companies, and people. Recently he had been given the chance to have an interview, to answer questions about how he became so successful at such a young age. However, because this interview was broadcasted live, many people, including some old relatives saw the show.

It was upon a normal day at the Tower, when suddenly the police came charging into the tower.

"Tony Stark you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Peter Parker 12 years ago. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law" They informed as they begin to handcuff him, as Pepper stood in shock, Peter with the same expression next to her.

"What are talking about, I never Kidnapped anyone!" Tony shouted at the cops as they dragged him away.
"Peter, Pepper, I swear, I never did!" He pleaded with his family.

"Who made the accusations?" Pepper asked the police officers.
Just as those words escaped her mouth, two other adults appeared at the door. Peter stiffened, as they came running up to him.

"Peter!, oh my goodness, we finally found you!" The female bellowed as she hug him. All Peter could do, was look from the women, to Pepper.

Then, it hit him.

"Aunt May" he whispered, unable to comprehended why she was there, and talking about kidnapping.

"We looked everywhere for you!" She shouted, as Ben hugged him too.

"Get off me!!!" Peter shouted as he shook them off and ran over to Pepper, hiding behind her. The police looked at the two, and back to May, sceptical as to the young man's movements. They cleared they're throats awkwardly.

"They clearly mustn't of told him, that he was taken from us" She insisted, as she was hugged by Ben, tears picky their eyes. Believing the act, the police continued to take Tony away.

"Thats no-" Peter tried, but failed, as we interrupted by the loud crying of May.

"H-he dosent even remember us!" She screamed into Bens chest. Just then CPS arrived, and took Peter with them, but not without a heart breaking: "Mom!!" Delivered to Pepper, as tears streamed down his face, almost mirroring hers. He didn't want to be taken away from his family. Peter continued to shout out for his mother, trying to push himself out of the the grasp of those who were trying to take him away. He felt as though his heart was being physically torn in two, the further away he got from his home.

Once he was in the car, Peter started to thrash around, demanding he be returned to mother and father. The caretakers only gave small glances in his direction, feeling sympathy for the young man, who thought that the Stark's were his real family. Of course that was not truly the case, as it was the Stark's who saved him, gave him a home, loved him. When the Parkers no longer wanted to.

Instead of taking Peter to be interrogated, they took him to the Parker's residence. Where May and Ben were already stood waiting. Peter got out, and careworkers left. May tried to hug Peter, as to which he avoided.

"Don't you dare touch me, I remember what you did, do NOT act so innocent now!" He shouted at them. To his reply, he got a slap.

"Do not talk to me in that manor, as I will not have it! If you continue this behaviour, you will go without any food, for a week! Do you hear me!" May screamed back at him, making Peter slightly cower. "We only want you for the money, you somehow acquired, that is it! Now get in there, And Start Cleaning. If you so much as put one foot out of line, you will regret it!" She added, ending with another slap to Peters face.

Following her order, he did as told, and cleaned the entire house. Unfortunately, even if he didn't do anything wrong, he was kicked, punched and beaten anyway.

After a long day, he was finally granted permission to go to bed, in a little broom closet, where he couldn't even sit. Bruised, hurt and tired Peter, fell asleep to the feeling of being broken, and the coldness of his tears that ran down his cheek. Knowing, this was only one of many days to come.

Time skip forward by a week

Peter couldn't handle it anymore, so one night while May and Ben we asleep, he snook out the house through exact same fire ascape form 12 years ago. He was going to Tony, he didn't know how, but he would get there.

It took him an hour to get to the police station Tony was being held at. Once there, he climbed through nearby open window and tried to gently lower himself in without setting off any guards. Like I said, tried. He slipped and fell in, landing on his already bruised shoulder, creating a loud thump, alerting the guards.

"Hey! What are you doing here kid?!?" They yelled as the chased him down the hall and into the interrogation sector calling out for his dad.

"Dad!!!" He shouted, feeling every step he took, it was difficult for him to stay upright from the lack of nutrition. Causing him to eventually fall on knees, shouting in agony. But luckily for him, Tony had a late night interview. Hearing himself being called, and scream, he poked his head out the door, seeing his son on the ground, tears covering his face, an extremely skinny and tired body being dragged away by the police.

"Peter!!" Tony called back, causing Peter to look directly at him, getting up, brushing the cops off and running to his Father, with Tony doing the same.

Once in eachothers Arms the boy collapsed into his father. Letting all the pain finally come out, crying so hard, even the officers didn't know what to do.

"Shhhh its ok Pete, I got you" Tony whispered into his son's ear, tryibg to sooth his shaking boy.

Cliff hanger 😜
They're will be a part 3.

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