A big Family 2.2

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He slowly opened his eyes, he was met with a bright light, shutting his eyes again. The second time he opened them the light had been dimed allowing him to open his eyes fully. He was on a clean white bed, with white sheets. He tried to move but his actions were cut off by restraints on the bed. Causing him to panic. He was being held here. Were they going to hurt him. From the side of him he heard a loud sigh.

"I told them they didn't need to do this, breathe. Ok. Pete" His dad said from his side. He looked tired. But Peter still didn't know where he was. So the panic continued.

"Your in the med bay Pete, no one will hurt you here" his father tried to reassure. Peter's breathing went back to normal.

"Med-d bay?" Peter asked, he'd never been in one before.

"Its where they fix your wounds" Bucky pointed to his body.

Peter looked down to see bandages, on his arms, waist and legs. He also felt no pain. He heard a sound. Shooting his body up, due to the help he was slightly stronger, therefore the restraints were pulled off, he now sat up right with a look of worry on his face.

"Pete calm down" Bucky pleaded.

Peter noticed the door beside him, something was telling him to run, so, he  did. Jumping off the bed he ran through the doors, ignoring the protests from his father. Peter heard conversations, but couldn't see anyone.

"Peter!"Bucky called from behind.

Suddenly Peter was infront of another man. He looked at him but ran the other direction. He ran down stairs, climbed down walls. He was looking for a way out. Though he didn't know why he was running, he was sure he'd be punished now. He was in a corridoor. But someone jumped infront of him.

"Easy, kid" the person said, but due to horror and the jump scare, Peter shouted in fear and fell backwards, then someone was at his other side.

"Hey, we won't hurt you" the women spoke softly, but Peter backed up against the wall, bringing his feet up to his chest. Wall. He could use the wall. He turned around and began to climb the wall, crawling to the corner where he perched, but turned his head away so not to face them.

"You gotta come down buddy" another man said. Half the team were around him, he no where to go. But one mans words stuck out from the rest.

"Your not in trouble Pete" Bucky spoke calmly, Bucky walked closer, close enough to hear Peter's muttering.

"I don't want to go to family night, don't make me, please" Peter repeated the same sentence over and over.

Bucky was confused, it took a few minutes to remember what that was. His Jew clenched and anger was clearly visable.

"They would never do that to you Pete, you will never have to go through that again. They will be your new family, not like them, this will be your home, do you trust, me Peter?" Bucky held his hand out and Peter, slowly but gradually took it and came down. He was pushed in to hug by his dad, but was leg go soon after. He was turned and he now faces everyone.

"That is Natasha, but just call her Nat, that's Tony, Clint, Sam and Steve" his dad announced, giving him the introduction he was missing.

"What would you like them to call you?" He asked.

"Peter, please" he answered quietly, he knew therent bad people, but they still sent shivers down his spine.

"Ok then, we have people here that if you feel like talking to someone they'll listen" Bucky stated.

"judging from the looks on faces they won't to know what 'family night' is, are you ok with me telling them?" Bucky asked. Peter nodded slowly and Bucky sat down, pulling Peter with him, he wrapped his son in arms to give comfort while he explained. The rest of the team sat down too.

"Ok, so, 'family night' is basically a time for torture. That's where he got the Spider logo on his chest from, they burned it into him. They used shock collars, but I don't think they've ever done full voltage" Peter trembled at that, he was wrong. Bucky looked down.

"It was full just before you guys came" Peter responded quietly.

Rage filled Bucky's mind, how dare they do that to his son.

"They would stab him there, whip him, kic, punch, you name it, they've done it. Its called 'family night' cause the agents use it as a time for bonding between them. Of course, not for him. That is what 'family night' is" Bucky finished.

The team looked broken. This kid had been through so much, in so little time.

"Damn, kid. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through" Steve spoke up from silence. Peter looked at him, studying his face. It was full of sympathy, a look he's never seen before.  Because of that look, he knew he could finally trust someone which wasn't his dad.

"Thank you sir" he nodded. Then, peter, smiled?

"Dad told me stories about you, said you guys are like brothers, so, does that mean you're like, my uncle? " Peter asked, a smile across his face.

Steve looked shocked at the question, so did the others, but not Bucky. He chuckled awkwardly and shrugged.

"Sure, Pete, I'm your uncle, so are they, the girls, are your aunts. One big family, we'll protect you from bad guys" Steve said, smiling at the inoccent teen. Peters smile grew small.

"Promise?" He asked in his, small, quiet voice. Looking at all of them.

"Promise" the entire team responded in unison.

Peter laughed, it was a good laugh, it was warming. He felt comfort. He had a family. They were going to protect him. He was happy. The team smiled at the laughing boy, and joined in. Moments like this, will not be forgotten. The boys worries fluttered away. He was going to have a normal life now, thanks to these people.

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