I think.... He might be spiderman

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Peter was pacing around in the elevator, today he was going to meet the Avengers, without his mask. But before that he had to help Mr Stark out in the lab.

The doors dinged open and he walked out, expecting to be on the lab floor. But no.

He walked around, unsure of which part of the tower he was on, he walked around.

Then he felt his Spidey senses go off and punched who ever it was in the gut. Off they went again, he webbed up some more people, kicks went off in peoples stomachs. Then he webbed up everyone he felt was there. Of course, his eyes were closed through out the entire thing.

He opened his eyes slowly, to see half the Avengers webbed to the wall, the other half webbed up.

"Oops" he said quietly.

Clint looked at webs, then to Peter, then to webs.
"I think....... He MIGHT be spiderman" he stated.

A roar of laughter was heard from elevator. He turned around to see Tony.

"Oh shush Tony" Peter told him with a huff and pout.

"YES, YOU CALLED ME TONY" he held his arms up in triumph.

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