Chapter 1

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"You seem a little.... happier than usual" said the Hero of Twilight, looking up at his mentor. Time raised an eyebrow, a little smile playing on his face. "Have I?" he asked. "I suppose you could say this place feels a lot like home" About a quarter of a mile away was a large ranch, and as they got closer, they could see a red haired woman chasing around some cucoos, and two kids carrying a bucket each. As she caught sight of them, the red haired woman grinned, and ran towards them. "You're back!" Time ran to the woman, catching her in a kiss. "Everyone, this is Malon, my wife"

The other Link's had mixed expressions. Warrior's groaned as Legend smirked, Wind gagged, Wild looked confused, and the rest of them seemed either weirded out or happy for the Old Man and Malon.

The boy, who had been working on the farm a moment before, ran at top speed towards Time, and almost tackled him to the ground in a hug. He was probably about 17 or 18.... and he looked a little to much like Twilight. The brownish hair, the muscles, even the clothing type. But neither the boy nor Time seemed to notice. "Boys... this is my son, Uther" the boy looked at all of them, one at a time, and blushed bright red. Time seemed to realize this reaction, and gave his son a confused look before shaking his head and looking back at the farm for a moment. "Are your sisters going to come over?" Malon and Uther looked like a deer caught in head lights as he asked this. 

"Dear... why don't you and the boys come inside... we need to talk" said Malon, trying to look normal as she smiled at the heroes and motioned for them to come inside. Uther slowed down to walk with them, and ended up beside Wild. "What's your name?" he asked casually. Wild took one look at Uther, and grinned. "They call me Wild" said the scarred hero. "Wild... Why do they call you that?" he asked, smirking. "Oh hell no" said Twilight under his breath, pulling Wild away. Uther seemed surprised for a moment, and then shrugged, shaking his head. "What?" whispered Wild, seeming confused as Twilight half dragged him towards the ranch. "That is the Old Man's SON Wild. First of all, you're his reincarnation. Second of all, you could be related. And third of all, the Old Man would kill you regardless"

"What are you implying Twilight?" asked Warriors, inviting himself into the conversation. "That he's jealous" Wild chuckled as Twilight scowled. "Absolutely not, that's rediculas" The slightly younger hero rolled his eyes. "Whatever... He seems like a nice guy. Maybe he could be another Hero of Hyrule" Warrior's raised an eyebrow. "Nah, he's the Old Man's son. How could he be the Hero of Time's reincarnate if he is the Hero of Time's son" The conversation ended with this logic. 


"So, what did happen?" Time asked later. The other heroes had gone outside to help out with the farm work, and Saria (his youngest daughter) hadn't so much as said hello to him yet. Nabooru (his eldest daughter, and Uther's twin) was no where to be found. "Well.... A lot of things happened.... But concerning the whole missing Nabooru thing" Uther started, Malon looked like she wanted to say something, but instead, just glared at nothing. Time had never seen her so angry. Something big must have happened while he was away. "Basically... Mom disowned Nabooru" Malon whipped her head around, looking ready to slap him, but took a deep breath, and turned back towards Time. 

"Our daughters had a big fight on Saria's birthday after Nabooru snuck a boy into the house. Saria ended up having third degree burns from boiling oil that Nabooru poured on her arm, and Nabooru ended up with a bloody nose. When I came home, Uther was yelling at Nabooru, Saria was unconscious, and Nabooru was still with her new 'boyfriend'. And this is not the first time this has happened. So I told her to come back when her attitude changed, and she told me that she'd never come back... I'm not going to find her, and neither are you. She can come back when she calms down. But for now, Saria has third degree burns and has barely talked to anyone since the accident" Malon didn't say anything else before she stormed out of the room, on the verge of tears.

"Dad... I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything" Uther hung his head in shame. Time shook his head, and put a hand on his son's shoulder, pulling him into a hug. "It wasn't your fault... is your sister upstairs?" He nodded, and Time stood up, making his way upstairs and towards his youngest daughters bedroom. Why was he always away? Why did the goddesses drag him away from his family? 


"What?" asked a small voice from the other side. Time could hear Saria sobbing quietly. "Can I come in?" he asked, knocking on the door again. "No" her voice answered, ending the conversation at that. "Alright... well, I'm coming in anyways, and there's no way you can stop me" Time turned the door knob.... it was locked, of course it was. "Saria Lonlon, open this door right now" No answer. "Saria, please, I'm not mad at you for what happened with your sister" He could hear her walk across the floor, and saw the door handle turn. Saria only opened the door an inch, and looked through the crack, as if wondering who was on the other side of the door. Time tilted his head to the side, forcing a little smile, and she finally opened the door, tackling him in a hug. 

"Oh, so now I get a hug" he teased. "I love you dad" said Saria, still puffy eyed and crying. "I love you too.... do you wanna talk about what happened?" she shook her head, still hugging him, and Time sighed. "Alright, you don't have to tell me now. But will you at least come down stairs to meet my new.... companions? I think you'll like them" Saria pulled away from him, and shrugged. "Okay" 

"Alright, get dressed into something cleaner for dinner, and then come down. They should be inside by then" 

Saria nodded and locked herself in her room once again. 

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