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Many Months Later....

The heroes made their way through the pouring rain. Most of them were badly wounded, Wind was completely unconscious, but they needed to keep going. "Do you think we're in... his Hyrule?" asked Warriors, his yells sounding like a whisper over the thunder and the pounding in Twilight's ears. "Of course we are... those damned goddesses" he yelled back, looking up at the familiar structures of Lon Lon Ranch. The two of them led the six other heroes to the front door, both of them stumbling a bit (Warriors was carrying Wind, and Twilight had a large cut down his leg)

Malon opened the door as soon as they knocked. "Oh my... Oh my goddesses, boys! Come on in.... Saria, get down here, they're back" Twilight could here someone running down the stairs, excited. Her face fell as she saw them. "Oh my goddesses... I'll go grab some fairies " she ran off into the next room, and came back with a jar packed full of fairies. Warriors and Twilight had layed Wind down on the couch, and the others collapsed on the floor. "I'm sorry Ms. Malon..." said Twilight, touching the wound on his leg. "What are you...." she looked around. "Where's Link?" the one's that were still conscious looked up at her, tears stinging their eyes.

The jar went crashing the floor, and the fairies spread through the room, healing them all. "He's.... He's..." tears fell down both of their faces. "I'm so sorry Saria.... We tried so hard to save Hyrule and..." Legend brought out the Biggorn Sword, Ocarina of Time, and his bag of masks. "We buried him in this Hyrule... I'm so sorry..." Hyrule continued, his voice cracking. "No... No... he can't be dead, it's impossible" Malon whispered, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry Ms. Malon" said Twilight, finally able to stand. "You said you'd take care of him" said Saria, Malon had to hold her back as she tried to launch herself at the now oldest hero. "YOU PROMISED!" Twilight wouldn't look at her. "I'm sorry Saria... I'm so sorry... I tried... We all did..."

After a moment, she seemed to calm down, breaking into sobs instead. "I should have come with you guys... He should have stayed..." she muttered,  still sobbing as she sat down beside her mother. "I'm so sorry..." said Four, unsure of what else to say to the two of them. "It's... Not your fault" said Malon, tears still streaming down her face. "I'll lead you guys to your room..." said Saria, her voice barely audible through the sobs. "Captain...?" asked Twilight, looking down at the slightly younger hero. Warriors nodded and motioned for everyone to follow him up the stairs. Twilight stayed, propping himself up against the couch as he started to talk again. "He told me... that if anything happened to him, to give these to you" He pulled out a small wooden box. Malon reached for it, wiping the tears from her face, only have them replaced with new ones.

It was Saria who opened it, only to find four cards, and a mask inside. The mask had the same markings as he had on the right side of his face. Saria slowly opened the letter with her name on it, and began to read.

My dearest Saria,

If you're resieving this letter, I'm no longer in the world of the living.

But please, don't cry. I wouldn't be able to take it if I brought you any grief.

The mask in this box is known as the Fierce Deity Mask. It is powerful, to powerful to fall into the wrong hands. The moment I saw that dagger that you had... I knew.

You need to destroy it.

But it's easier said than done. I don't want you to figure this out from someone else. So please, take the mask and hide it for as long as you can. You don't need to worry about it now. Hopefully not for years to come. But be forewarned, there are people in Hyrule and Termina who would kill to get their hands on this. Please be careful, and remember, I love you.

Love, Your Father, Link

Saria held the mask tightly to her chest for a minute, tears still falling as dread filled her stomach. Most of the time, she would be worried about having to destroy something so precious and powerful.

But today was different. 

Her father was dead.

And he was never coming back.

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