Chapter 13

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The next morning, Saria woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, and light streaming in through her open window. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She was the only one in her room.

And then the events of the night before hit her.

Uther was gone.

He was looking for Nabby.

And she had helped him sneak out of the house.

Frozen in fear and guilt, she dragged her shaking hands down her face, trying to control her breathing. She was dead. So dead. Her parents were going to be furious..... When they found out. It wasn't a matter of if. They were to smart for that, and she was a terrible liar. Saria shook her head, a tear sliding down her cheek as she looked at the open window. Not only would her parents me furious, the heroes would be as well. She'd stolen their weapons. Getting on the bad side of her father was enough, but the bad side of eight other heroes? She was done for.


Someone was knocking on the door. 

Of course they were.

"Come in!" she called, doing her best to even out her voice. "Alright" came Wind's voice. He opened the door slightly, peaking his head in. "Um... Malon says that you're gonna be late for school if you don't get your butt downstairs right now" he said, looking around the room. "Oh... and she wanted to know where Uther was" Saria did her best to force a realistic smile. "Oh, he's probably outside... or maybe he's headed to school already" Wind seemed to believe this, and nodded, shutting the door as he headed back down the stairs.

Saria got dressed quickly, making sure that her braid was perfect before grabbing her bag and making her way down stairs. "Took you long enough, you're going to be late" Malon announced, pulling her towards the table, and pushing a bowl of porridge in front of her. "And you better come straight home after school today. Or I swear to the goddesses...." She cut her mother off. "Of course mom, I'm sorry about yesterday" Malon's face seemed to calm a bit as she pulled her daughter into a hug. "It's alright... just try to not upset your father, you five almost gave him a heart attack last night" she down at their bowls.

"Where's your brother" she said suddenly, whipping her head around. "I don't know... probably on his way to school?" Malon clenched her fists, took a deep breath in, and tried to control her anger. "He knows he's not supposed to do that!" she insisted, causing Saria to flinch. "I'll tell him that when we get to school"

Just them, Twilight, Wild, and Warriors came rushing down the stairs, yelling at each other. "I didn't steal your sword! I have plenty of my own!" said Wild angrily. "Oh yeah? I bet it broke and you needed a new one" said Warriors, scowling. "And stole my shield as well!" Twilight insisted angrily. "Oh yeah, and I bet you stole my bow and arrows! You're always talking about how cool ancient arrows are" Wild shouted. "Boys, what the hell?" asked Time, more exhausted than angry. All three started talking at once. "OKAY OKAY! ONE AT A TIME! Twilight, what happened"

"Someone" the older hero looked at Wild and Warriors. "Stole my shield"

"And someone stole my sword" Warriors added. 

"And my bow" Wild said.

"Alright then... did any of you steal the other's things?" Time asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. Saria stuffed food into her mouth and said nothing. "No" all three said at the same time. "Alright then, does anyone else know anything about their missing weapons?" asked Time, looking around. The other heroes shook there head, and he looked down at Saria. "What about you, Saria, do you know anything?" the look on his face was unreadable. "No... what use would I have with their weapons? I'm not even aloud to use my own bow, and you know I can't use a sword and shield to save my life" Time nodded, believing her. "Alright then... you three should keep better track of your things. You can look for it later, for now, get to work. Saria, Hyrule, Wind, Four, you four should get headed to school"

The rest of the heroes cleared out, as did Malon, and they were left alone at the breakfast table. "I should get dressed into my school clothes..." said Hyrule, twiddling his thumbs for a moment. "Same here" said Four, looking around the room quickly and then headed up the stairs. "I know what you did" said Wind after a moment of silence. Saria looked up, surprised, and then tried to make her face look normal. "What do you mean?" Wind smirked, making him look like the captain even more than he already did. "I know that you stole Warrior's sword, Twilight's bow, and Wild's bow and arrows. I also know that you helped your brother sneek out to find your sister"

"What are you...." They both jumped to their feet at the same time. Despite being about a year older, Wind was still a bit taller than she was. "Don't give me that! You stole from the heroes of Hyrule" his voice cracked halfway through his statement, but he continued. "I don't mind lying about Twilight's shield... or even Wild's bow. But the ancient arrows are Wild's prized possession for a reason! And I don't wanna lie to Warriors, he's my big brother, I wouldn't lie to him!" Saria seemed stunned. "Sailor... I'll give you anything... just don't tell anyone" the youngest hero shook his head, and moved to run out of the room. Saria tackled him to the ground. "OW! GET OFF ME!" she stood up, scowling as he glared at her. "Not a word Hero of Winds. Or I swear to the goddesses..."

"You'll what? I could take you, I bet. Don't think I won't beat you up just cause you're a girl" he snarled, nose in the air. "Oh yeah, you wanna go? You and me, after school, behind the house" Wind raised an eyebrow and laughed. "I was kidding, Grannie taught me not to hit a girl..." his face fell. "But I'm still not okay with lying to the captain" Saria crossed her arms. "You better not. Tell them once you're in another Hyrule.... Or when Uther comes back. Whichever comes first" The youngest hero thought about this for a moment. "Fine, I won't tell him. But if Time or the other's find out.... well, let's just say that the others will have no problem with beating you up. Even if you are a girl. They hate thieves" he said, rubbing the back of his neck as if remembering a not so fond memory.

"Alright... let's get going to school. I'd rather not spend to much time here today... Hylia knows that the moment we get back, Mom and Dad will realize that something is wrong"

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