Chapter 5

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By the time Twilight finally got to go to bed, it was past midnight, and most of the other Links were asleep. Legend was still up, staring out the window, and Warriors, who was trying to stitch up his tunic, which had been torn down the side in battle. "That was a long talk" said Legend, turning towards the opening door. "Was it?" Twilight asked. "I didn't really notice" To be honest, he didn't mind telling Uther and Saria about his adventures, or the future (he left out his cousins, and the fact that their father was dead of course). It felt like a weight lifted off his chest when he finally told someone about everything that happened. And unlike their parents, they didn't let him leave out even the smallest detail. The best part, of course, was that they didn't judge. In fact, the closest thing he got to a judgmental look was when he told them about not arguing with Midna when she left to go to the Twilight realm. 

It had probably been better than the conversation he'd had with Time and Malon. They hadn't judged, but they always kept the same expressionless faces, making him weary of what they were thinking. When Saria and Uther wanted to say something, they said it, whether it was commenting on how he and Ilea would make a great couple (he'd ignored this) or how Nabby (Nabooru) was definitely his mother, because neither of them would ever risk naming their child Link. (This was true, Nabooru was his mother... Had she known at any point, that he would grow up to be the hero?)

"What's with that look?" asked Warriors, as Twilight layed down on his bedroll, staring at the ceiling. "Ah, nothing... We should all get some sleep. If I learned anything from Ordon, it's that mornings start early on the farm" 


And sure enough, the day did start early. Saria was up at 5 am, getting ready for school (Uther didn't have school that day), which meant the rest of the family was up, which meant the other heroes were up. Malon made them all porridge for breakfast, which Saria filled up with way to much brown sugar. "I didn't realize there was a school in Castle Town" said Wind, who was sitting across from her that morning. "Yeah there is... Hey dad, a few of them might be able to go to school" said Saria, looking at Wind, Legend, Hyrule, and Four. "Actually, I think that's a great idea" said Time, a look of amusement in his eyes. "Oh no you don't" snapped Legend. "I'm nineteen, I'm not going to school!" 

"Alright, you don't have two. But you three can" said Time, looking at Wind, Hyrule, and Four. "No way!" cried Four, huffing. "I'm a knight of Hyrule, not a school boy!" Hyrule nodded in agreement. "I grew up in a cave. I taught myself everything I needed to know. Why would I need to go to school?" Wind mustered a small glare. "I'm not stupid Time, I finished school a long time ago" Saria raised an eyebrow at all three of them. "Four, just because you're a hero doesn't mean you don't need an education. There's gotta be some part of you that wants to learn" Four's eyes flashed purple. "Alright... fine..." he then groaned, as if realizing what he had just said. "Hyrule, you grew up in a cave? Well, even so, there are things you probably don't know" Hyrule thought about this for a minute, and then sighed in defeat when Saria glared at him, crossing her arms. "And Wind, you're younger than I am! You couldn't have finished school yet. Plus, doesn't traveling with a bunch of older guys bore you? You could meet some kids your own age for once!"

At the sound of this, Wind nodded, thinking about Tetra and Aryll. "Alright then, it's desided, you three will go to school with Saria today" said Time, who was just barely hiding a grin. "The rest of you can help with farm work, and yes Uther, that also means you" Uther groaned but said nothing as he finished his breakfast. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the rooster was already crowing. There was work to be done. "Saria, I hope you washed your school dress" called Malon from the other room. Saria rolled her eyes, but nodded. "You three will probably want some more... reasonable clothes" she added, walking into the room with three bundles of clothes in her arms. "These were Uther's from a few years ago. They're still in pretty good condition"

"I'd gladly go to school if it meant not taking care of the cucoos" Warriors grumbled, just now waking up. "Where's Twilight?" asked Malon, looking up the stairs, a concerned look crossing her face. "Probably still sleeping. You two were talking with him until two in the morning" said Legend, who was still eating. "He went upstairs around eleven. I don't know what you're talking about" said Time, leaning against the doorway to the living room. "No... he came in after midnight" said Warriors, confirming this fact. As if on cue, Twilight came down stairs, still half asleep. "So, it took you two hours to get back to your room?" asked Time, causing the younger hero to pause and turn. "No, I went right back to my room once you finished talking to me"

"No he didn't" said Saria, who was about to make her way upstairs. "We talked him into spilling the beans.... Heroes of Hyrule" said Uther, crossing his arms. Time turned slowly to Twilight. "You WHAT?" cried Sky, turning on him. "In my defense... yeah I've got nothing.... But they heard our entire conversation last night Time... so they knew most of it already" Time glared at his protege, and Twilight flinched away. "Don't glare at them dad, it's sorta your fault for not telling us before" Saria pointed out, causing all nine heroes to glare at her. "Oh, don't give me that look, you people were just to baby to tell Uther and me about being the Heroes of Hyrule. Trust me, we would have figured it out eventually. What with you talking at full volume about your adventures" 

"Look Time, I'm sorry, but it's not like I told them anything more about the others, I just talked about my own adventure, that's all" Wild's jaw dropped. "YOU WON'T EVEN TELL US ABOUT YOUR ADVENTURES!" he cried, unhappily. "Yeah well, he's our sobrino. He doesn't get a choice in telling us" said Uther, patting Twilight on the shoulder and grinning. Time glared at him, but he just cracked a stupid grin and payed no attention. "Sobrino?" asked Legend, looking around at the others. "That means nephew in Spanish" Wild said, confused. "I'm confused" said Wind, looking around. "W - What?" asked Saria, laughing and realizing the others had no idea that they were related. "Oh... we meant Amigo, sorry, I'm failing Spanish Class at the moment.... Anyways, we should all get ready to school, it's an hours ride to Castle Town" Then she ran up the stairs without saying another word. 

"I'll go with you guys, I have business in Castle Town" said Time, glaring at Twilight one last time. 

"Can I come with you?" asked Uther. 


"Why not... You're looking for Nabby, right? Well, I know where she might be"

"You're not coming"

"She might be at her boyfriend's house.... and you'll kill him as soon as he opens the door"

Time stopped, and looked back at his son. "Fine, you can come. But no running off to hang out with your friends" Uther's shoulder's sagged, but he shrugged, and nodded, and ran upstairs. 

"Alright then, the rest of you can get ready as well" said Malon, forcing a smile. "If you don't mind helping out on the farm today"

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