Chapter 6

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About an hour and a half later, the six of them were standing in front of a large school, the biggest in Hyrule. While most schools were the traditional one roomed school houses, this one had two classrooms for each grade, and hundreds of students. Wind, Hyrule, and Four, were dressed in regular looking tan trousers and tops, while Saria wore a tan and white dress with little green designs sown into it. 

"Alright, have at school my little Kokiri" said Time, kissing his daughter on the head. He then let her get a few feet away and yelled. "LOVE YOU!" Saria turned bright red as a few people around her snickered, but paid no attention. "AREN'T YOU GONNA ANSWER?" he yelled again, cracking up now. "I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU DO!" Saria glared at him, but yelled. "LOVE YOU DAD! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" before running into the school house. "Well, what are you three waiting for, or do I need to embarrass you as well?" asked Time, looking at the three other heroes. "Nope, we're good, see'ya Time" said Wind, as the three bolted for the school. 

Inside, Saria lead the three of them to a classroom. "Alright, the three of you need to pretend to be 14 or 15.... otherwise you need to go to other classes" the three heroes nodded and followed her inside. Inside, there were probably about 15 kids in the class (excluding them), and every single one of them turned to stare at the three heroes. "Why are they staring at us?" asked Wind, confused. "Because there's three 'attractive' boys following me into class" Saria responded, making Wind blush bright red. "Saria, over here!" called a girl sitting in the back of the class, Saria looked one last time at the three of them, and headed over to sit beside her friend.

"Who are those guys? They're hot" she said as soon as Saria sat down. "They're my cousins and ew, Telma, that's disgusting" The three heroes looked around for a moment, before walking over towards Saria. "They're coming towards us..." said Telma, almost shaking with excitement. "Oh, forget about it, they're not staying long" Each sat at a small table near Telma and Saria. "What are your names? I'm Telma" said Telma, offering a hand. Wind shook it, and smiled. "I'm Link, but everyone calls me Wind"

"I'm Link and this is Link, but everyone calls us Four and Hyrule" said Four, grinning and letting out a little laugh. "All named Link, are you? Is that a family name?" Telma turned to Saria, who nodded. "My father, and most of his nephews are named Link" she lied easily, looking quickly at the heroes. "That's interesting. I didn't even know you had any cousins.... Speaking of family, how are your brother and sister?" Telma asked, causing Saria to freeze in place. "Well... um... the thing is..." As if on cue, a tall, brown haired woman walked into the classroom. 

Saved by the bell. Saria thought, leaning back in her seat as class began. 


Uther followed his father at a distance, staying a few feet behind him at all times. He knew that there were no threats in Castle Town, but he also knew his father's anger, and knew that there was bound to be a huge yelling fight when they found Nabby. To be honest, Uther wasn't sure what side he would take. Sometimes, when they had a fight, he'd take his father or mother's side, meaning that he wouldn't get in trouble, and sometimes he'd take his twin's side (because when she got mad... he shivered at the thought) 

They finally stopped in front of a large house that was closer to the castle than most of the others. His father ground his teeth together as he moved to knock on the door, trying to keep his anger in check. Uther could tell. "Dad... maybe I should...." the one eyed hero whipped around and glared at him, causing Uther to freeze up. Unlike Nabby, who just glared right back, or Saria, who always acted innocent even when the glare was directed at her, Uther flinched away at the look of disapproval. Do the heroes feel the same way? He wondered, looking down at the ground. Link seemed to realize what he was doing, and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. No Uther, thank you, but I'm fine" 

Link knocked on the door, waited a few moment, and knocked again. It took three minutes for the door to open, Uther counted the seconds in his mind. He dreaded seeing his sister again, but then again, he dreaded that she might not be there. When the door finally opened, a tall guy with dark brown hair and bright green eyes was standing in the doorway. The guys eyes widened as he realized who was standing in front of him. "O - Oh... Mr. Lonlon.... what's... why are you... why are you here?" he finally made out, backing up. 

Link took a deep breath, curling his hands into fists. "I'm going to ask you this one time. Where. Is. My. Daughter?" he growled. "You're... wait a minute.... Huh? Saria or Nabooru?" Uther grabbed his father's arm, keeping him from punching the guy. "You know damn well what I mean. Where is Nabooru?" The guy backed up a bit. "Sir... I haven't seen her in weeks... I swear. We broke up like, two months ago" Link seemed surprised by this, and so was Uther. Nabby had never told them that she'd broken up with her boyfriend. They just assumed she was still with him. "Alright... do you know where she could have gone?" Link pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in agitation. 

"If not at home.... She did always talk about joining the Gerudo..." Uther's jaw dropped. "The Gerudo! But that's..." Link turned and glared at him again. "Alright. Fine. Thank you" Uther and Link made there way down the steps of the porch, and into the busy streets again. "The Gerudo... that little..." Link ran his hand through his hair and almost seemed to growl. "Maybe we could send a letter to mom's family... I mean, the one time we met her mother, she tried to talk Saria and Nabby into joining the Gerudo. I'm sure that she'd allow Nabby to join" Uther said, realizing that he was mostly just thinking aloud.

Link didn't say a word as they made their way through town, shop keepers shouting greetings at them as they passed. "Dad... Dad! Where are you going? Don't we have to wait for Saria?" Uther asked his father headed towards the stables. "Saria will be fine, Hyrule, Four, and Wind will protect her if anything goes wrong. I have to talk to your mother about this. If you're that worried, you can stay here" said Link, ignoring his son as he saddled up his horse. "No... I'll go with you" Uther muttered, getting onto his horses back. 

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