Chapter 15

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Saria spun towards the door, sighing in relief as she realized that it was locked.

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" the knocking came again, louder this time  For a moment, everything was silent. Then, it came again, even louder this time. "KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!" Rolling her eyes, Saria pushed the bag under her bed, the hiding the dagger inside, and went to look through the peep hole, and into the hallway. Outside, was the Hero of Twilight, who had raised his fist to knock again. "The door is unlocked" she said finally, after listening to his knocks for a few moments. He opened the now unlocked door, and stepped inside.

"Why are you here?" asked Saria, looking him up and down for a moment. "Just wanted to talk with you... I'm not here for your father, if that's what your thinking" She looked at him for a few more moments, before stepping aside, inviting him farther into the room. Twilight sat down at the table in the corner of the room, and Saria sat across from him, not making eye contact. "I'm sorry for stealing your shield..." Twilight shook his head. "It's fine... I can find another one... I'm sure my home village will be thrilled to find their best shield missing" he closed his eyes, and sighed in disappointment, then shook his head, and looked back at Saria.

"You're father's not a bad man Saria. You of all people should know that. When we were on our way to Lon Lon Ranch, he was happier than I've ever seen him. And when he saw you two.... Well, I've never seen him smile like that.... Look, the point is, we're not here to replace you three. We're heroes, most of us are used to being alone. But it was nice, for once, to have a father figure, which most of us didn't have growing up. Most of us either don't remember our childhood, lost everything, never had a family, or a combination of those three. We aren't here to take that from you all, we're not even here for a family. But I suppose that it was nice... to find a family while we were traveling together. To find it with each other" Twilight's voice cracked, and he rubbed his face with his sleeve.

Saria's face fell as he spoke, looking at her feet as tears sprang into her eyes. "I'm sorry... I... I didn't know. I guess I should have, dad talks about how he was raised by the Kokiri. And how he lost them... I'm so sorry Sobrino" she said, embracing him. Twilight seemed surprised, but relaxed after a moment and returned the embrace. "The other heroes are fine. I already talked to them. But your father is really upset, and your mother won't talk to anyone. Maybe you should talk talk to them? Try to make emends? We don't know how long we'll be here...." And they don't know how many of them will make it back. Saria thought, realizing that Twilight was right. "Alright... I'll go talk to them"

She grabbed the bag and pulled out the dagger, clutching the sheath tightly. "Why do you need that?" asked Twilight, as he got up to leave the room. "I just wanted to give it to him. To tell him what happened..." Not wanting to ask what happened, the second oldest hero made his way out of the room and down the hall. Saria waited for him to close the door to the heroes' room to follow, making her way downstairs. Sure enough, her parents were in the dining room. Malon was sitting at the table, crying and holding her face in her hands, while Link paced the room, muttering under his breath.

"Mom? Dad?" she asked, mustering up all the courage she had. Both looked up, faces not changing as she stepped down the stairs and into the room, hands shaking. "I wanted to... apologize. For everything..." she said, sitting down and sliding the dagger across the table. "What's this?" asked Link, his voice surprisingly calm compared to his angry expression. "Well... you see..." she explained everything that had happened the day before. Minus the part about the three heroes being there with them. When the story was finished, Link gripped the hilt of the dagger like he wanted to break it, and Malon looked disturbed. "So that's what happened..." Link said finally, stepping closer to Saria, who flinched, expecting another blow.

Instead, he hugged her.

As they pulled apart, he took her hand, and placed the dagger in it. "Keep it. I know the shop keeper your talking about. I think it's time I told you about my second adventure" Saria nodded, sat back down, and listened. Link explained what had happened with Termina and Majora and Happy Masks Sales Man. He explained that the shop had opened soon after he had left Termina, and that the only time he and Malon had been in it, both of them ended up with nightmares (neither elaborated on that fact). When they were done, Saria was stunned, and a little scared. "So that's why in Termina, the people call you Mr.Hero? Not because you're the Hero of Time, but because you're the Hero of Termina as well?" Link nodded, looking a little guilt ridden.

"That's awesome" said Saria, face breaking into a half grin. Link and Malon both sighed in relief. "I'm glad you think so... And I know you think I'm trying to replace you and... Well... Just know that the other heroes aren't replacing you all..." Saria brushed him off. "I already talked to Sobrino. I think I get it now... they don't have a family, so they found a father figure with you. I'm sorry for losing my temper" she looked at the table, fidgeting with the dagger. "And I'm sorry for losing mine... Now, what to do about Uther...?"

"Nothing" said a voice from behind them. All three looked up to see all eight other heroes making there way down the stairs. "Those Ancient Arrows are in good hands, and I have an extra sword and shield to spare" said Wild, giving Saria a smile. "I've met the Gerudo, they're fierce, but they won't kill him as long as he doesn't aggravate them" A few of the others nodded. Time nodded after a moment, agreeing with them. "Wind, don't you have something to say?" asked Warriors, grinning as the youngest hero scowled at him. "I'm sorry for what I said about the Gerudo.... I just... really hate Ganondorf, and I guess I assumed that they were all like that... I'm sorry..."

Malon's face fell into a smile, Time seemed a bit amused, and Saria grinned. "Eh, it's fine, we're not all that bad" the other heroes looked up, surprised, and Twilight bit back a grin. "So you're Gerudo... I suppose that makes sense. Well, that's that theory down the drain" Four put out his hand, and Wind took some rupees out of his pocket. "Woah, Woah, Woah, what theory?" asked Saria, interested now. "I thought that Twilight might be Time's grandson" 

Saria, Twilight, Time, and Malon froze. Then, everyone started to laugh, and Wind's face turned bright red. "Wow!" said Saria, still laughing as the others' started to die down. "You really are the smartest among them" The other heroes stopped, turned to Twilight, Wind, or Saria, and just stared. "Wait, really?" asked Wind, surprised that he was correct. Time pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, really. You really had to tell them that. Really?" it was clear that he was holding back a laugh himself. "Huh, I knew we called you Old Man for some good reason" said Legend, laughing. "Yeah yeah, laugh all you want...." said Twilight, grinning now as the others laughed. "Old Man, huh?" asked Saria, turning to Time, who glared and shook his head. "Only for them. None of my children are aloud to call me that"

"I thought you were there father figures..."

"My biological children"

"You heard that Twilight, no more calling him Old Man" said Saria, pretending to scold him.

"Alright Grandpa!" said Twilight, stepping back a bit as Time glared at him.

"You don't count"

"That's hurtful"

"Wow, it's almost like I care" said Time, sitting back in his seat. Saria bit back a laugh.

The house was filled with laughter once again. 

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