Chapter 4

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That night, Time and Malon had allowed the other heroes to stay in an extra bedroom. Saria, Uther, and Nabooru shared a room, though with Nabooru gone, Saria and Uther had extra space to put all of their stuff. So, after saying goodnight (and telling the two of them not to be up until midnight) Time had headed to talk with the other heroes. 

"We've never had so many guests at once" he said, coming through the open door way and leaning against the door frame. "It's a bit cozy, but I've seen you all put up with worse" The others had laid their things out on the floor, and still had three lanterns burning to illuminate the room. "You kidding? This is perfect!" Sky insisted, smiling as he set up his bed roll. "You and Malon have been so hospitable" said Hyrule, who was currently playing a game of dice with Legend, Four, and Sky. "Now then" said Time, turning to Twilight. "There's a conversation we've been putting off for some time now..." His successor looked up from where he was sitting, a little stunned. "Uh... Oh... Yeah" with that, he followed Time out the door.  

"It's amazing" said Hyrule after they left, still waiting for his turn. "I thought the man would never lighten up" Legend shrugged. "Wonder what that was about?" he eyed the door and then turned back to the wooden board. "They're always having private conversations, it's nothing new" said Four, who was currently having his turn. "Yeah, interesting isn't it" Legend commented, still staring at the door. 

"From what we've come to know of each other" said Time, as soon as they were out in the hall. "We are infact related, not just by spirit, but by blood... do you have any doubt?" He looked up at his successor, who nodded, face stern. "No... I have no doubt" Time chuckled, placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder as he lead him down the stairs. "So intense, it was just a question, calm down!" he insisted, Twilight seemed a little surprised. "I am calm" this was not true, and Time could tell. "I just wanted to hear you confirm" he paused, thinking for a moment. "Because I must tell you, Malon does know" This caught the younger heroes attention. "WHAT?!" 

"However, she doesn't know which of you boys is the descendant" Time added, motioning for Twilight to follow him. "I had her guessing all day" he chuckled to himself, making his way through the house and into the dining room. Malon turned around as they entered, and smiled softly as she saw Twilight. "Aw... I just knew it... Let me get a good look at you" she took his face in her hands. "You look just like Uther. I really should have guessed" Twilight chuckled, and Time smiled at both of them. "Lucky, you don't have Link's nose" said Malon, making Time roll his eyes. "It's a shame really"

"I wonder how big the family tree is?" Twilight thought to himself. They were his grandparents, he knew that much. In fact, he was quite sure that he had met Uther and Saria and Nabooru before. His cousins, Agitha and Shad, were Saria's kids. And he'd heard rumors about them being the cousins of Princess Zelda... but who knew? He shook his head slightly, still smiling. If only his cousins were here now to see them. "That means..." said Malon, leaning against Time. "That Saria and Uther... and Nabby, will have families of their own... Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself...." She pulled away from Time, who seemed surprised by the sudden movement. "AND YOU'RE BOTH RISKING YOUR LIVES OUT THERE!" Time sighed, and Twilight could tell that he was hoping to not have this conversation.  

"I can't remember how many times you've come home, beaten and bloody" she said, arms crossed. "Ha ha... Darling, there's nine of us..." Time insisted. "If anything ever happens to our boy out there..." she warned, looking at both of them. "See?! You laugh because you know it's true!" Time pushed Twilight forward. "Darling, you should see him on the battle field... I'm so proud" Malon didn't seem convinced. "That's what I'm afraid of! If he and the boys have your same spirit -- or however that is...." She shook her head, giving each of them a glare. "You're in danger if you took your best gear" Time sent Twilight a 'Help me out here' look. 

"Rest assured" said Twilight, scratching the back of his neck. "I've held up well enough on my own" Malon seemed to calm down at this. "Oh...?" Time nodded, sighing in relief. "Yes, have a seat" he pushed her towards a table chair. "I want to hear what he has to say, but this conversation is not over" 

So Twilight explained to him his journey, how he saved Princess Zelda, and even about his cousins (who had always wanted to meet their grandfather, and knew about being related to the Hero a long time before he had) The moon was high in the sky by the time he stopped talking, finishing all that he had to say, and headed back to bed. One last time, he looked back, and the two smiled at him. "I wish father could meet him" said Malon as he left. "Eh, Talon doesn't believe half the stuff I tell him" said Time, shrugging. "Oh, that's not true, he loves hearing about your adventures" she insisted. "No, he loves to humor me" 

As Twilight made his way up the stairs, he was stopped by two figures. "Welcome to the family sobrino" said Saria, patting him on the shoulder as he made his way down the hall. "You heard all of that?" he asked, freezing. "You guys are the Heroes of Hyrule?" asked Uther, excitedly. Twilight didn't say anything, and turned towards the room that he and the other heroes were staying in. "Oh no" said Saria, as they each took one of his arms, dragging him towards their room. "You're going to explain everything to us" 

Twilight's eyes widened. "Uh... maybe you should ask your father..."

"Nah, he would never tell us... But you will!" said Uther. 

"If your father won't tell you what's going on, why should I?" asked Twilight, trying to pull away from them. 

"Cause our father's not your boss"

"He mine as well be, please let me go" Saria's grip tightened. 

"Your going to explain what's going on to us" said Uther, dragging him into a large bedroom, with three twin beds in three of the corners, and a small table in the fourth. The two dragged Twilight towards the table, and sat him down, sitting across from him. "Alright, start talking Ranch Hand, we've got all night" said Saria, crossing her arms. Twilight sighed in defeat. "Alright.... alright... where should I start"

"The beginning" said Saria, like that explained everything. 

Twilight sighed again, shook his head, and began. 

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