Chapter 10

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It was about halfway through the school day when Hyrule realized that the other kids were staring at him.

'What is it?' he asked himself, his clothes were just like there's. His boots were almost brand new... he'd even run a brush through his knotted hair that morning (by Malon's request). So what was it? Looking up, he saw a few girls giggle, faces turning bright red as he looked at them. Shrugging, he looked back down at his notes, trying to figure out what the instructor was talking about. Something about a Hylian Civil War? He'd never heard anything about it. 

Again, they were staring at him. He was used to people staring at him when he walked by. Heck, he was the Hero of Hyrule, people either wanted to kiss him, be him, or kill him.

Wait a minute....

His eyes swept the classroom, okay so these people probably wouldn't want to kill him... and they had no clue who he was. He felt his face heat up. The same group of friends giggled again, still staring at him as class ended and they all waited for the next to begin. Gathering up his courage, he flashed them a grin, and winked. One of the girls, a brown haired one who was probably the oldest of the group, almost fainted, and the others hid their faces. Grinning like an idiot, he looked back down at his paper, only to feel a tap on his shoulder. "Nice job Romeo, even Telma thinks you're all that" said Saria, rolling her eyes as he turned around to face her. "I mean, can you blame them?" he asked, putting on his best Warrior's impression. Saria snorted out a laugh and turned towards the front of the classroom.


About an three hours later, classes were done for the day, and the four of them (and Telma) were heading out of the school building. "Can I stay over tonight?" Telma asked, looking at Saria. "Nah, I'm grounded"

"You're what?"


"You've never been grounded!" Telma insisted, jaw dropping. "Yeah well, I sorta tried to shoot my dad with a bow... so I guess I got lucky" A little stunned, she started to laugh out loud. "You tried to shoot him... isn't he like... the first knight of Hyrule? You're lucky he just grounded you" Saria shrugged and looked at the other heroes. "I suppose we should get heading home. I'll see you tomorrow Telma" she hugged her friend good bye and went to meet up with Uther, only to be stopped by the same girls Hyrule had seen earlier. "Oh, Saria, I didn't realize you knew this cutey" said the one in front, the oldest, by the looks of it. "Yes, he's my cousin, good bye" Saria started moving, Hyrule stayed. "Yes, her... cousin. And who would you be"

"My name's Lanara. But you can call me Lana" she said, giggling. Saria rolled her eyes. "Here we go" she muttered, watching the two. "Maybe you'd like to go out to dinner with me sometime Lana?" he asked, smiling. Her jaw dropped. "Of course, tomorrow night? I know this great place..." Hyrule grinned and nodded. "Of course, I won't be late" he then walked over to Saria and the others, looking quite pleased with himself. "You are impossible" said Four, shaking his head. "Why, because I can get a girl and you can't? Maybe put a on a few more inches and..." Wind back handed him across the face. "Oh, shut up, you're not the captain" Hyrule laughed. "I know, I know, I was just kidding... But it's nice to go on a date with a girl who doesn't want to kill me"

"And with that statement..." said Uther, raising an eyebrow. "I think we should start moving"

"Maybe we should set you up with Wild, I think you two would be good together" said Four, laughing. Uther rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, laugh all you want. Just because I'm bisexual doesn't mean I want to date everyone I come across" he said, starting his way through Castle Town. "Oh... in that case, I think Legend and you would make a good match" Wind piped in, grinning. "Or maybe you and the Captain. He'd date anyone..." said Hyrule, laughing now. "Oh shut up. I won't be dating any of you heroes. You'll leave soon anyways, and then I have to go through all the trouble of getting a boy/girl friend, again" 

All four of them were laughing now. "Alright... alright... we won't set you up with anyone.... Hey, what's that?" asked Four, his attention drawn to a small shop by the side of the road. "Oh... that? It's just a shop, nothing much" Hyrule stopped his horse, and walked up to it, peaking through the windows. The insides were filled with things, colorful things, small things, large things, bland things. "We should go check it out" Saria shook her head. "Dad will kill us if we're not home soon... plus, he doesn't trust the owners"

"Oh, come on, it can't be that mad, can it?" asked Wind, hopping off the horse and pressing his face against the window. "I suppose one look couldn't hurt" said Uther, shrugging. Saria sighed, following her brother's and the heroes inside. The stores shelves were covered in lots and lots of things, stacked on top of one another. "Woah, check it out" said Wind, picking up what looked like a conductor"

"Welcome" said a voice, making them all jump. All five of them turned to the front of the store, where a man with auburn hair, purple robes, and a creepy smile was standing. "What can I get for you today?" They all looked around for a moment. "A sword" said Hyrule finally. "A magic sword" The man raised an eyebrow, turned around, and out of no where, pulled out a sword that seemed to have fire dancing up it. "A fire sword, use it wisely young one" Hyrule took it, and sheathed the sword. "I will"

"And you, short one" asked the man, turning to Four, who scowled. "You can get me anything"

"Almost anything"

Four looked around, stepped closer to the man, and whispered something that no one else could here. The man's eyes darkened. "Be careful young one... this magic, it is not for the faint of heart" he brought out a necklace, with a dark pearl looking thing on it. Four nodded. "Thank you, I will"

The man turned to Wind. "What would you like young one?" 

"The ocean" said Wind suddenly, eyes brightening. "I want to hear the ocean"

The man nodded, and took a large shell down from the shelf. "Put it up to your ear when you want to hear the ocean. You will always here it with this" Wind took the shell, and put it up to his ear, tears coming to his eyes as he listened to the shell. "Thank you"

The man turned to Uther. "I need not ask what you want. For I know what you need" confused, Uther stepped back, but the man brought out a large box, that held a sword inside. The sword, at first, was large and spiked, but shrank down to a broad sword with an upside down triforce on the blade. "No" said Uther finally, shaking his head. "I don't want... I don't need that sword. I need my sister back"

The man paused, a bit confused, but finally put the sword away, and brought out something else. "A necklace. When you approach what you desire, it will glow. But be careful, what you desire is not always what you need" he warned, holding up the glowing red amulet. Uther took it from him, eyes widened. The man once again said nothing as he turned to Saria, eyes seeming to glow purple. "What about you, child, what do you want most in this world" he asked, standing up for the first time. He was about as tall standing up as sitting down, and still had that odd smile on his face.

"I wish for an adventure" she said finally, not caring who was listening. The man nodded, shrugged, and smiled. "Then an adventure you shall have" he turned around, and took out a sheathed dagger. "You'll need this Saria Lonlon" Uther looked up, reaching for a sword that wasn't there. "How do you know my name?" Saria asked. There was no answer from the man, who simply pushed the dagger forward, and then sat back, looking blankly at the wall behind him. "Guys, I think we should go... Time's gonna get upset" said Four, moving to leave the shop. After a moment, the other's followed him. Surprisingly, outside it was dark already. "Crap... it's dark! How did that happen?" asked Uther, swinging up onto the saddle of his horse. "I don't know.... but dad's going to be furious" said Saria, putting her face in her hands. "Don't worry" said Wind after they began to make their way across Hyrule field. "We'll take the blame for you"

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