Chapter 14

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The day went by way to quickly for Saria. Telma tried to cheer her up after she'd explained what had really happened, but nothing helped, she was just terrified of what would happen when she got home. And of course, the moment she got home, and her parents realized Uther wasn't with them, they pulled her aside to talk.

"Do you know something about where he went Saria?" asked Link, keeping his voice steady. "O - Of course not dad... why would I help him run away?" Malon raised an eyebrow at this. "We didn't say he ran away" Saria's eyes widened. "Well, I suppose you believe that he is... seeing as he's missing" No one said anything for a moment. "Saria... what did you do?" asked Link, his voice barely audible. "What are you talking about... I didn't do anything..." Before she knew what was happening, she stumbled backwards, pain streaking through her left cheek. "What the f..."

"Don't lie" Link growled, as Malon grabbed him, pushing him backwards. "You hit me...." Saria realized, tears stinging her eyes. "You hit me you... you..." Surprise turned to anger as she touched her cheek. "And don't think I won't do it again you brat" Link growled, still upset. Anger turned to surprise. This was not the father that loved and cared for her... this was some sort of anger that she had never seen before. Not in all her years living on Lon Lon Ranch. "Answer me, what happened to your brother?"

"I don't know" she answered again, crying. 

"ANSWER ME! I KNOW YOU KNOW!" Link yelled, fighting back his own tears.

"LINK! That's enough" said Malon, grabbing his arm. "Saria, honey, please tell us what happened... We need to know where your brother is. We need to make sure he's safe"

"I don't know anything" she insisted, holding her head high. Malon sighed, annoyed. "Saria, please tell us what's going on. We only want the best for all three of you..."

Cutting Malon off, Wind slammed the door to the room opened. "Sailor, get back here!" the captain yelled, chasing after the younger hero. "Uther ran away, and Saria helped steal the other heroes weapons" he admitted, looking guilty the minute he said it. "Why you little..." started Saria. "YOU STOLE MY SWORD" Warriors yelled. Wind grabbed his arm as he went to tackle her. "Warriors don't... you'll just make it worse..." Saria glared at them both. "You little thief! YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN THE GERUDO!"

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" Saria yelled back, clenching her fists. "That the Gerudo are terrible people who do nothing but try to destroy Hyrule!" Wind snapped back, regretting the words the second they came out of his mouth. Malon looked mortified, Time looked a cross between angry and worried, and Saria stood there, stunned. "The king of the Gerudo tore my family apart. He tried to kill my sister, kidnap my best friend, and went so low as to try and kill two twelve year old's!" he said, defending himself. "Not every Gerudo is like that" growled a voice. Wild and Twilight stood there, equally angry looks on their faces. "However..." continued Twilight, glaring at Saria. "It seems this one is as much a thief as her foremothers"

"I'm not sorry for anything I did" Wild raised an eyebrow. "You should be"

"I'm not afraid of any of you"

"Is that so?" asked Legend. 

We really need to start locking doors.

"Yes, it is. If you hadn't taken away our weapons" she turned on Time. "Than he wouldn't have needed weapons in the first place. I helped him steal there weapons so that you wouldn't leave again like you always do!" Time seemed almost stumped by this. "That's no excuse!" Sky snapped, coming out of seemingly no where. "I don't care if that's not an excuse Hero of the Sky. You're all the same. You care about weapons and shield and bows more than anything else. YOU THINK I DIDN'T TRY TO TALK HIM OUT OF IT?!" she had now turned on her father again. "You were so caught up in being a hero that you rarely ever looked our way. All three of us tried so hard to show you that we were worthy of your respect, and worthy of the same honor that you had. Nabby ran away, because she wanted to seek out adventure, because she wanted to catch your attention. Not because I aggravated her... or anything like that! And then..." She motioned to the other heroes. "You had the audacity to bring these eight home and call them your sons. To talk about how proud you are of them. Uther tried everyday to prove that he was enough for you. He worked his butt off, training with swords and shields and bows. He watched the knights practice and he followed you around like a wolf to it's owner" She gave a particularly nasty glare to Twilight. "He went to go after Nabby because they were best friends. They were twins. Who wanted your attention as much as I did. Even more so. And then you brought home these... other heroes, or however that is... And literally tell us to our faces that they're so cool, while you yell at us for every little thing! I HATE YOU! I'M ASHAMED TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER"

With that, she stormed out of the room, ignoring the other heroes as she made her way upstairs. It was still light out, but rain clouds were gathering over head, making it seem a bit darker. Screaming it anger, Saria punched a wall, hurting her own hand, but barely damaging the wall. "The Gerudo" she muttered, clenching her fists. "The Hylians" Angrily, she brought out the dagger from under her pillow case, and unsheathed it, looking at the blade. She could see her reflection in the blade, face streaked with tears. Throwing it across the room, so that it embedded itself into the wood, she went to her closet, and got out a tunic and trousers. "I need to get out of here" with that, she changed into the clothes, stuffed the dress under her bed, and started to pack a bag with everything she could find, sobbing as she did so.

Until a knock came at the door. 

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