4. Warming Up

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Art by @beauty_fer on Twitter

Dream POV

I walk outside and find Y/N sitting next to the flower, stroking the petals.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I ask. She hums in response and I sit beside her.

"I'm sorry," I say out of nowhere. "I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable here, I understand if you want to leave."

"Dream, I like it here, I just need some time to adjust" her warm Y/E/C eyes stare into me.

"I know, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here okay?"

"Thank you," she smiles.

We sit there and watch the flowers sway in the breeze for a bit.

"Hey!" Sapnap yells and we both turn around. "We have to patrol!"

"Be there in a minute!" I call to him and he disappears back inside.


"Yeah," she stands up and I do too.

"Would you want to patrol with me?"

"Uh sure."

We both head inside and she goes upstairs to change.

"Hey Sapnap, change of plans, you patrol with Punz, I'm patrolling with Y/N."

"Already got a date? I'm proud of you," he jokes.

"It's not a date! It's serious business for the war."

"Whatever you say," he smirks and goes to put on his armor.

I find mine in the weapons room and stand in front of the doors waiting. A few minutes later, Y/N comes down wearing her armor, a sword, and an axe hanging from her belt.

Punz and Sapnap also come down the stairs.

"Be back around 2," I say to them. Sapnap nods and Y/N follows me.

Punz and Sapnap patrol the walls while Y/N and I patrol the forest.

We walk through the trees and into a few clearings. I keep my crossbow out and she holds her sword.

"So Y/N," I say after a few minutes of walking in silence. "I figured that we should try to get to know each other."

"Yeah okay," she glances at me.

"How about I ask a question and we both answer, then you ask a question and we both answer?"

"Sure," her gaze follows a red bird that perches on a tree branch before fluttering away.

"When's your birthday?"

"MM/DD, yours?"

"August 12."

"Okay your turn,"

"Um okay, what's your favorite color? Mines

"Green, like lime green."

"Wouldn't that be a disadvantage in the war, enemies can see you coming from a mile away," she points out.

I laugh.

"True, but it also makes them think, "Wow, this is guy is so risky to wear bright colors like that on the battlefield, he mustn't fear defeat."

Y/N bursts out laughing and I quietly shush her.

"That is the worst reason I've ever heard, you're trying to play mind games with them so they think that you're some undefeated warrior?"

"War is a strategy game," I shrug.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now