13. Betrayal

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Art by @BeebLovesYou on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Tommy presses the button and a faint hiss is heard. The room goes quiet. Then, the sounds of breaking glass.

"Eret?" Tubbo asks.

Eret smiles.

The walls open up to reveal, Dream, Sapnap, Punz, George, and Y/N.

Eret steps back, right hands raised in salute, "Down with the Revolution boys, it was never meant to be."

The L'Manburg army tries to get out but Eret seals off the passageway they came through.

Dream raises his axe and goes for Tommy straight away.

Sapnap runs after Tubbo and lands a few hits before Tubbo pulls out his sword and starts blocking. Punz chases after Wilbur as he tries to run and George attacks Fundy. Y/N watches the fight carefully.

George lets out a cry of pain as Fundy slashes his leg. Y/N's head snaps towards them and she runs over to help George.

Her sword clangs against Fundy's as they battle. George staggers away and leans against a wall for support. Pulling out a regeneration potion and drinking it.

"Who are you?" Fundy yells, dodging a hit.
Y/N ignores him and continues to fight in silence.

Dream and Tommy are deep in the battle, swords clashing, their faces inches apart.

"You sick bastard! You convinced Eret to betray us!" Tommy screams.

Dream scoffs.

"All is fair in war Tommy! I gave Eret a good offer and he accepted. Be mad at him, not me."

"Why can't you just let us have our independence?" Tommy yells back.

Dream rolls his eyes and slashes a small cut on Tommy's forearm.

"It's my land, you all stole it. I'm simply taking it back."

Tommy grits his teeth as the battle becomes more heated. The clashing metal, the splashing of potions, the thuds of arrows on shields.

Dream feels his power surge coming, Y/N does too.

She glances at Dream, he's still battling with Tommy.

Dream's eyes flash bright green and Y/N's flash purple.

He pauses for a second, breathing heavily before smirking.

Y/N pauses too, staring at Fundy whose eyes grow wide with fear.

He stares at her purple eyes above the black mask.

Wait? Why are their eyes glowing?

Dream runs at Tommy, full force and lands a hard axe hit on his shoulder pad. Tommy gasps and steps back but a second hit lands on his knee, digging into his flesh.

He falls to the ground, clutching his knee with blood pouring out as Dream turns to fight someone else.

Y/N attacks Fundy with sudden energy and easily overpowers him, giving him a deep gash across his stomach.

Y/N sees Dream fighting Tubbo with Sapnap and she turns to fight Wilbur. Punz backs off, seeing her eyes purple and lets her take the fight.

The rest of the Smp army does the same as Dream and Y/N fight off them all.

Y/N swings her axe and brings it down on Wilbur's calf before turning to kick Tommy in the face. Fundy brings his sword down to her head but she's faster and catches his wrist.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now