63. True Betrayal

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Art by @HaveSomeBlue_ on Reddit

Dream POV

No, why is she here, she should have left. Why didn't she leave? She can't be here to witness this.

I have to follow through with the plan anyways.

Punz stand in front of me, sword in one hand, trident in the other.

The Smp members stand behind him.

Puffy, Eret, HBomb, Sam, Bad, Callahan, Sapnap, Niki, Jack, Ranboo, Antfrost, Ponk, Quackity, and Y/N stand there, weapons out.

Tommy and Tubbo make a dash for the group and I quickly chase them, just as planned. I planned for someone to stop me, but I didn't expect this someone.

I'm harshly pushes back as Tommy and Tubbo hid safely behind the army. I spin back around and am heartbroken to find that the one who stands in front of me, is my own lover.

"Stay away from them," she hisses, her Y/E/C eyes are cold and angry.

"Love, come on—"

"Love?! I'm not your 'Love'! Not anymore! You've changed Dream! For the worst." Her words hit me like a ton of bricks.

Meanwhile, I watch Tommy and Tubbo grab the discs off the platforms and place them in the ender chests.

Tommy then confidently walks up to me.

"Tommy," Y/N warns.

"No," he stands right in front me with a smirk. "Kill me Dream, you've wanted to do it so badly all this time, do it. Kill me."

I want to. All the trouble you've caused me, I want to slit your throat open with this axe, but I can't.

I glance at the watching people.

They'll kill me.

"Here," Sapnap steps forward and offers Tommy a pickaxe. I glance up at his eyes but find no familiar warmth they once had.

Tommy digs a hole in the blackstone.

"Drop your items," he says, calling back to all the items I did it to him in Exile.

Wordlessly, I drop all my items down, my armor, tools, weapons, everything. Now I'm powerless, I'm risking it all now.

Suddenly I get an idea, just to make them think that I'm extra crazy.

As Tommy goes to pick up the items from the hole, I grab the pickaxe from his hand and laugh manically.

"If I die, you're going down with me!" I yell as he runs back to the group which has already drawn their weapons.

"Ahhhhhh!" Tommy flees to safety and I continue walking slowly towards them, twitching my head slightly to the side for good measure.

"He's crazy," Jack whispers.

"Come here Tommy," I whisper. "Come play."

Despite being out geared and outnumbered, the fear in their eyes says it all.

They fear me.

"Back up Dream," Y/N steps in front of me, pointing the crossbow at my face. "Drop the pickaxe."

"What if I—"

"Drop it!" she yells, her eyes flash purple for a brief second.

Wait, that means this isn't fake. Her power is activated by a strong desire, a desire to kill me. She really does hate me.

I drop the pickaxe and stare at her. At first I thought that she might be faking this but this feels too real.

"Love, I loved you and you loved me! After all we've been through!"

"You loved me?! That's funny Dream, you know, I believed that too. When you kissed me, when you talked to me, I thought you meant it. I wanted to believe that you loved me. I wanted to."

She wipes a tears from her face.

"I loved you too, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was wrong that day when I thought you might feel something for me. I should have know better, that the mighty Dream could never love, all he wanted was power. You started loving me after I revealed my powers to you right?! You just wanted to use me!" she spat out bitterly.

"That's not true, I promised you that we would be together forever!" I protest.

No, this can't be happening, I can't lose her.

"I thought we were meant to be. I thought we could make it all the way. But I was wrong. Maybe you did love me in the beginning. Maybe I wouldn't be standing here, wanting to put this arrow through your fucking heart if you didn't shatter mine."

"I gave you everything!" I yell at her. "This can't be where we split!"

"It can and it is, you gave me everything except yourself. You you tried to control me, you pushed me away, you neglected me, you stopped caring about me, you got bored of me. I stopped loving you a long time ago, but I had a spark of hope, that maybe, just maybe, you still loved me. But I was wrong, you don't."

"I do love you!"

"You don't, all you want is power and control. You spent all your time building this!" she points at the hallway full of attachments. "When you could have spent time with me. You just want to control the Smp, like you've wanted to control me."

"Y/N, please."

"No, I'm done with you. Maybe Sapnap lied, maybe it was a mistake to ever think that you could love me," she pauses. "Maybe Techno was right. I should have stayed with him


"Goodbye Dream," she raises the crossbow.

"You wouldn't shoot me," I say.

"Really?" she wipes her eyes and smiles. "Well then it's a good thing that I never miss."

"What if you do miss?" I ask, trying to lighten the tension.

Would she actually kill me? Is this how I'll go, at the hands of my lover?

Y/N scoffs, her eyes meet mine and I feel her purple glare. 

"I never miss."

Y/N takes a deep breath and smiles.

"You should have loved me more."

With that, she fires the crossbow.

The world seems to move in slow motion, the arrow drives straight toward me. I stay unmoving, in shock.

I've lost everything.
Even the one person I care about.
She betrayed me.

I stare into her eyes one last time, searching for something, anything familiar. There is nothing.

The arrow plunges into the center of my chest and I gasp as the force of the arrow knocks me down.

A feeling of great pain slowly spreads from the center.

I lie there, helpless, on the cold, stone floor.

I hear footsteps moving toward me and Tommy comes into view, holding an axe.

"Say goodbye Dream."


1,091 words

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