41. Revealed

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

Techno continues moving until he stops at his cabin, he turns around and sees Y/N, glimmering in her purple netherite, snow dusting her hair.

"Oh, hello," he smiles and reaches out for her hand. She takes it and he pulls her into a warm entrance.

"Hey Techno," she smiles against his shoulder. "I watched Dream give you the map. I told him about the bounty hunters you know, he didn't want to help you at first but I convinced him."

"Hmmm," he pulls out of her hug. "What does he want? Knowing Dream, he would want something in return."

"Well, I'm sure that you're familiar with totems of undying right?"


"At this woodland mansion, you can find evokers who drop totems.  They allow you to survive death. Should you use it when encountering these bounty hunters, you will owe Dream a favor."

"He's basically saying that if this map that he gave me helps save my life, I owe him?"


"Dream, man," he shakes his head disapprovingly. "I would ask for the same if the roles were reversed though."

Y/N smiles and brushes some snow out of Techno's hair.

"Let's go then. The quicker I get back, the less likely Dream is to notice I'm gone."

"Wait, he doesn't know?"

"He's jealous that we're still friends, you know that. He can be a bit possessive sometimes."

"Yeah, yeah," Techno resettles his potions and shifts his axe. "I think it should be northeast."

"How about taking a compass with us?" she suggests.

"Nahhhh, we don't need one. I'm the Human GPS."

2 hours later

"Techno?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah?" He glances at the unfamiliar trees.

Maybe, just maybe, the Human GPS only applied when they were within the explorer parts of the Smp.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" she asks.

"Uh, of course."



Y/N sighs.

"Techno," she presses a hand to her forehead.

"Hey look, it's fine," he says, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get there soon."

"This is not helpful," she grabs the map from his belt and opens it. "Hey, did you know that the map fills itself in the closer you get?" she asks sarcastically.

Techno papers at the map over her shoulder which now has rivers, forests, and oceans instead of the brown land formations.

"Uh, yes."

"Good, then it's this way," she turns to the left of where they were originally heading.

Techno follows behind her silently.

"So much for the Human GPS," she mutters.

"Shut up," he laughs, pushing her lightly.

After a few minutes of walking, they reach a large, hulking, dark brown structure.

"This is it," Y/N says.

They manage to open a hole in the wall on the second floor and dig through.

They encounter several vindicators and they kill them with ease. As the bodies fall to the ground, Y/N stares at them as they pass, thinking of Dream.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now