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Art by @queentoriel on Reddit

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream stands outside in the snow for the third time, he stares at the cabin that has become quite familiar.

As long as I know where Tommy is, it's fine. I don't need Techno to start giving him ideas though.

He turns to the forest and glances back at the cabin.

You live this time Tommy, if you step foot in the Smp, I will be there waiting for you.


Y/N stands in the base, alone, again.

Dream says he loves me. He says he cares about me. Yet he leaves me here all alone while he does whatever he wants.

This isn't love.

She glances out the window at L'Manburg.

If he's not around, I'll find a way to have some fun.

She quickly exits the base and travels to L'Manburg. Finding the room where Wilbur died, she pauses.

I feel something.

Y/N pulls out a totem of undying and holds it tightly. The totem's eyes glow purple just as hers do too.

There's a rushing noise and the sound of a train. In an instant, she's standing on a train platform. A train pulls into the station, there is no conductor.

Glancing left, then right, she climbs on.

The train is eerily silent with no one else aboard.

The train pulls to a stop and the doors slide open. Y/N restively steps through.

The train pulls away.

A man stands with his back facing her.

He wears a brown trench coat and has curly brown hair.

She takes a step toward him, her footsteps echoing throughout the silent platform.

He turns around.

Their eyes meet.

He coughs and steps closer.


She swallows and stares back at him.


"How— how are you here?" He asks.

"I— I don't know. Magic I guess?"

"Did you die?" He walks closer, taking in every inch of her as if he can't believe it's real.

"No," she pauses and scans him. His brown hair now has a white streak going through it and parts of his jacket are missing, exposing his arms underneath which are bandages, presumably from the explosion.

But his eyes, they're no longer calm and sparking.

They're alight with fire, a spark of madness.

"Then how are you here?" He now stands only a foot away. He reaches out his hand and she does the same.

Their fingers pass through each other.


"You're not real. It's all just in my head."

He turns back around and clutches his hair frantically.

"I thought that death was the best way for me to escape that world yet here is hell! You don't die, you live a worse life! Here!" He throws his arms out and spins around. "A train platform! Alone! Isolated! Tell me! How long has it been since I died?!"

"Uh— how long do you think it's been?"

Wilbur strokes over to the walls, they're covered in tally marks. He runs his fingers along them, counting under his breath.

He smiles and adds another tally mark, crossing through the most recent 4.

"About 3 years and 4 months! Unless I've done it wrong. Could be since there's no sunlight in this wretched place!" He laughs manically that makes Y/N take a step back.

"Wilbur, since the war, it's been a little over 3 months."

He stops and stares at her.

"What? No. You're lying," he laughs again. "It can't have been only a month!"

"Wilbur, I haven't changed much, it hasn't been that long. Time must pass quicker here."

Wilbur grabs a piece of chalk and crouches, writing furiously on the ground.


"Shush," he commands, putting up one finger. His hand grips the chalk tighter and he mumbles to himself quietly.

The seconds turn to minutes.

Y/N pulls the totem out of her pocket. Its eyes are glowing fainter.


"Done!" He stands up proudly. He stares down at the mess of math equations and arrows that make virtually no sense. "1 day there is equal to 30 days here!"

Y/N feels the totem start to move.

"Wilbur," she steps backward as the train rolls into the station. "I have to go."

"No— no!" He lunges for her and tries to grab onto her but his fingers pass right through. "You can't leave me here! I need someone to talk to!"

"I'll try to come back," she promises.


Y/N at steps onto the train and the doors close. Wilbur bangs on the doors angrily.

The train pulls out of the station.

After a while, the train stops at the black void where she started.

Y/N gets off and waits. She pulls out the totem again, its eyes are almost dark.

A few seconds later, the totem stops glowing and shatters into a cloud of gold, yellow, and green sparkles.

They whirl around and with a flash of light, she's standing back in the room.

Y/N takes some deep breaths and glances around.


I can't visit people who've died?


Her hands are empty.

The totem.

It provided her with a way to visit someone and in limbo but only for a short period of time.

What if I don't get back to the black void before the totem goes dark? Will I be stuck there?

She didn't have answers.

Right now, she had not way to find out what would happen if she stayed and got stuck in limbo. Would she be dead?

I can't take the risk since I only have one way back.

But, someone else has another way back.


But what will he do with my powers?

He'll want to study death and use them for whatever he wants.

Do I really want that?

She didn't know the answer, but, it was clear that her powers were more damaged than she thought.

And this was only the beginning.


999 words

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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